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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Where is that info coming from? EDIT: I do see the WashPo tweeted something along these lines on 10/8... ...seems to be a dearth of info since.
  2. In the modern era the list of owners who have lost money in the purchase > to > sale cycle of ownership of one of the big-3 pro sports franchises (NFL, MLB, NBA) is VERY short... ...Bob Johnson (and partners) is right at the top of the list with the Bobcats. Mike Jordan has also fared poorly on an operating basis but if/when he sells the team he should do well. (he should go ahead and do so)
  3. That used to be the case when it was all printed tickets... ...but with the new electronic only system, and the resale-channel chosen, there can be some hefty fees (as much as 30%) and I'm pretty sure the team does capture some of that fee-revenue.
  4. Best info I can find is ~61,000/62,000 seats are accounted for by ~23,000 PSL "accounts". The stadium holds 74,867...lately the team has stopped announcing "sellouts". Given the effects of covid that makes sense. If the 61,500 number is accurate it is true that 82.1% of ticket revenue has been collected/accounted-for through the PSL program. PSL's do trade on the secondary market and right now there are 621 PSL listing accounting for 1,570 seats on the Panthers Marketplace website. This is down from a peak of 648/1,646 the day before Cam was signed. There was a narrative out there that holders/owners were relinquishing their PSL's "in droves"...the numbers do not support this case. In 2014 Axios reported there were 1,700 PSL-linked seats available (about the same as now) and that number ballooned to 2,300 in 2015 when the team was thriving. There will always be some PSL turnover as a results of life-changes, etc... ...but there's nothing to indicate poor team performance leads holders/owners to relinquish PSL's "in droves" --- in fact it appears to be just the opposite, when the team is doing well and PSL prices are up is when more PSL-linked seats become available. Exactly. Spot on.
  5. PSL's for sale on Panthers marketplace... (Nov. 7) 640 > 646 > 645 > 648 > Cam signed > 637 > 637 > 632 > 624 > 621 (today)
  6. Yes they "could've", and absolutely would have... He made it 100% clear he would not and that's why he was exited.
  7. Another 8 down... (Nov. 7) 640 > 646 > 645 > 648 > Cam signed > 637 > 637 > 632 > 624 (today)
  8. PJ wins... How could you even start a poll of this nature without listing PJ? Pitiful effort on your part pal...
  9. He's absolutely doing better than the shanker from Va. Tech but if goes 93-for-99 let us know...
  10. F*ck no. You have locked up Most Moronic Post of the Year with 6 weeks to spare... ...good onya mate!
  11. The incremental money making contribution to Tepper's bottom-line by the Panthers would be akin to you setting up a .50c per-glass lemonade stand in your driveway... ...complete non-factor... ...making "money" does not fact into Mr. Tepper's decision making process as it goes to this NFL team
  12. No, no... ...the "football people" make those calls... ...just ask that guy with 429,512 posts
  13. 5 more PSL's off the board overnight... 640 > 646 > 645 > 648 > Cam signed > 637 > 637 > 632
  14. What in the world are the voices in your head speaking with each other about?
  15. 11 PSL's representing about 42 seats went off the board the day the news broke and he was signed... ...maybe coincidence, maybe not
  16. I agree it was absolutely the correct path to take but Cam wasn't interested and all the nut-huggers were saying it was disrespectful to expect Cam to play out his deal. He wanted an extension and the way he went about it blew up in his face...
  17. It was a ham-handed attempt to stroke Silver Platter Sam's fragile psyche... ...should taken the opposite path -- keep TB5, make Sam compete for the job, and only pick up the option if Sam proves out.
  18. Bingo. If I handed you $1 every second of every day it would be the year 2053 before your pile hit $1 billion... ...and the year 2469 before your pile was as big as Tepper's. Solving complex financial/mathematical problems is Tepper's core competency, he doesn't even need a spreadsheet to calculate something so simple as "Cap Space"... ...he's constantly calculating a real-time running total in his head at all times.
  19. Yep, win every game. Rhule was perfectly clear about that on multiple occasions last year and this year is no different.
  20. Head on into the locker-room... ...DQ, done for the night.
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