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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. So what? What's the footprint of the "new" stadium vs. old? Has to be a massive difference --- shoehorning a massive multi-billion stadium into a cramped 40-acre site is no bueno.
  2. Absolutely not -- in fact the current stadium parcel is listed as 33-acres and the larger tract of CP&F land is about 40-acres. (FYI, there's a couple parcels in there CP&F does not own) Nor is Glendale, AZ (223 acres) which was held out as a model to copy. Neither site has parking for "50,000 cars"...not even half that. Tepper's the richest NFL owner and he's not gonna settle for anything but the best and that ain't a stadium the same size as the current one crammed into a parcel the same size as the current one ...
  3. SoFi Stadium...298 acres. You think Tepper wants to cram his coup de grace into less than 30 acres?
  4. Is there? Are you assuming the new stadium will be the exact same size as the old stadium? What happens to the CP&F land across I-277?
  5. This. That acreage to the left of I-277 could literally be a superfund site...been there since 1901, who knows what's been dumped in 120 years.
  6. Sounds extremely expensive -- who pays? Where are the "architects and engineers" going to reroute the major highway that runs right through the middle of the CP&F land?
  7. Good stuff, got lucky. Even if this did take place the acreage-assimilation would only represent 40% of what they have in Glendale. In addition to being more than 2X in size the Glendale site is uniformly shaped and isn't bisected by a major highway and a railroad.
  8. You know he won’t If the politicians stand firm (like NC Gov. McCrory did with Jerry Richardson while CLT City Council simultaneously caved) and Just Say No... ...Tepper will have no choice. More and more municipalities are manning up and embracing Just Say No: > SoFi Stadium ($5B), fully funded by Rams ownership. > Jets-Giants Stadium ($1.6B), built by the owners with no public money (there were revenue sharing concessions, etc). > NY Islanders ($1.1), new Nassau Coliseum fully built with private funds (NYS does own the land it sits on).
  9. A 10-acre/10-story parking deck --- wow, that would be something. Tailgating "below ground" doesn't sound like much fun...
  10. CP&F land site is only 55 acres. Was reading up on the Glendale complex, looks like a fun place but they have had serious parking issues since the beginning because the city welched on a promise to provide 11,000 spots... ...11,000 parking spots would eat 45 acres alone.
  11. Gotcha. Think my question was poorly worded... ..."Glendale" was held out as an example of what could be, just wondered how much land was involved there? Seems odd that a complex approaching 20yrs old as cited as something to emulate, seems like they'll be hankering to tear that one down soon?
  12. Now might be a good time to sell... ...the number of listings & seat available has been dropping steadily since early November -- put another way, demand has increased some. Roaring Riot confirmed Rhule's "not going anywhere", may as well get on with it.
  13. Personal opinion or actual knowledge of the situation? The man has legitimate sources... ...hell he's on a first-name basis with the owner.
  14. I missed this, which team had their players "openly mock" Matt Rhule? And those players names were?
  15. If it were that easy everyone would just "observe" the Patriots and proceed accordingly...
  16. Who the heck wants to go to Charlotte for the Super Bowl? --------- Karen: Otto this cold crummy weather is getting me down, where are we going on vacation in February? Otto: Honey I'm taking you and the kids to Charlotte, NC! Karen: Nice knowing you Otto, goodbye...
  17. Mr. Tepper was a passive and minuscule investor in the Steelers... ...he had absolutely nothing to do with day-to-day operations in any part of that great franchise
  18. Bullsh*t. Rivera wasn't the GM, he didn't make those calls. Hell, if it were left to Towboat Ron it's likely Cam would have never played a down in a Panthers kit
  19. This was just plain stupid by all concerned parties --- moronic. A prominent member of the Panthers organization recently joined the same club ... ...he paid .
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