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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Yeah that's the guy... Both conditions can't be true --- so in which situation do you think Tre was being honest? Pre-cut......or post-cut?
  2. There's zero evidence, only rumormongering... ...which means nothing. Real evidence here:
  3. Don't see anything about "losing the locker room" in there. This "locker room is lost" assertion keeps getting tossed out there but there's no evidence as such... ...in fact, the alpha dog came out in support of Coach Rhule:
  4. From a legit business perspective only riff-faff posts in this thread... ...none of these pouts are in any way material to or indicative of an impact to the bottom line --
  5. Boy you've sure turned tail on your butt-boy Silver Platter Sam....
  6. Brady, Rodgers, Watson... ...just for starters You didn't put any "would" or "wouldn't" restrictions in your question... ...asked and answered
  7. Name them I’m waiting to hear this Brady, Rodgers, Watson... ...just for starters
  8. Samir is one of the top salary cap managers in the NFL and is often talked about as a potential GM candidate because of it. Waste of money for Tepper... ...he does/keeps the salary cap math in his head.
  9. I don't think he did... ...the Appaloosa Model potends for a collaborative approach and Fitty/Rhule were on equal footing. The org chart looks like this: TEPPER RHULE < > FITTERER [EVERYONE ELSE] As such, internally it's seen as a "we" problem (Fitty/Tepp/Matt) vs. a "you" problem (Rhule) and the likely near-term reaction/solution will be material changes in a number of areas but the ruling-troika continues for another year... (doing my best here to get rid of Rhule for all you haters )
  10. The departure in question wasn't his retirement as an active player... ...but rather, quitting Rhule's staff as a pro scout some time in April this year. Interestingly no announcement or acknowledgment of it was ever made by the organization, the public only became aware weeks after the fact when Rap Sheet broke the news on May 3rd.
  11. Panthers win 100-of-100. What an incredibly uninformed question...
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