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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Absolutely! There were a number of public outbursts/incidents...James Robinson, Marvin Jones, Trevor Lawrence and Josh Lambo just for starters!! I'll say this, on the excuse-making front you Gone Guys are as flexible as Nadia Comaneci in her hey-day....a Triple Lindy dismount off the high-bar is old hat for you guys! Now, you name some names... ...here are a few who are on-the-record with Rhule:
  2. You are just reaching because you wish to sell a narrative. No, random Fox announcers don’t have the access and connections of guys who cover a team all season and for years. It’s why Joe Person has 20 sources inside Carolina saying it…..and the Fox announcers are just bullshitting around. And we know for a fact random announcers every week don’t have the same type insight vs a Joe Person…..because they have shown for years to not have a clue about such players and our team Millen & Guadin had this info from Shaq before the game... ...as usual FJ Person is the last one to the party
  3. this is too rational for the huddle... The level of toxicity here is at levels hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology....here it goes, the circular motion, now rub it!
  4. Name one. Your question was asked, and answered. Absolutely nothing “random” about these announcers — but rather they are seasoned and highly paid professionals with a level of access to players & coaches FJ Person can only dream of
  5. Fox Network game announcers — hands down — not even a close call. In pre-game production meetings Network Announcers get a level of access a hack like Person can only dream of……it’s no coincidence they chose to specifically address the topic. You can be assured Millen & Gaudin were acutely aware of the farcical and wholly unattributed narrative Person threw through the front-window this week and clearly they dug-in and drilled-down on it — these guys have done their homework. Put another way…Millen & Guadin actually spoke directly with a wide swath of players & coaches while Person is relying on a disgruntled agent or two (un-named no less) who are conflicted and have an ax to grind……FJP. PS…thanks for tossing that softball right across the middle of the plate https://www.nfl.com/news/pregame-production-meetings-crucial-for-nfl-broadcasts-0ap3000000993725
  6. Game announcers unequivocally saying Rhule has the support of the locker room… (heads exploding )
  7. In regular daily operations, he's not. Unfortunately, he was stupid and gullible enough to fall for the sales pitch of the dumbass he put in charge of this "cluster f---". (and apparently also moron enough to keep him around for another year) So what good would your proposed statement do? Sounds like you’re in the Gone Guys camp…Cowboys bandwagon probably a good destination…bye
  8. You think AARON RODGERS is going to willingly come here to play for Matt Rhule??? Agreed, zero chance of that happening. Hell the Packers are the best team in football…why would Whiny Aaron leave there under any circumstances?
  9. But according to you he’s not involved “in football”…
  10. Rhule hasn’t had “2 seasons”… …to suggest he has is disingenuous.
  11. Richardson certainly never spoke with the media! What good would it do? The "gone guys" don't trust or have any faith in Tepper so what could he possibly say that would help?
  12. Or he could see value in a trade that the rest of the market is missing... ...that's how he got to be worth $16B --- when the rubes panic Big Tepp remains calm and Keeps Moving Ahead (KMA).
  13. ABANDON SHIP !!!!! Soooo much complaining.... ...and absolutely z-e-r-o change in behavior
  14. None of the above PSL listings/sales continue to move in the favor of the Panthers and this has been the case since early November. Ye doth protest too much...
  15. Sure it does, because that makes it his 3rd season. Tack on the need to completely overhaul/replace all the key management positions, the effects of covid, McCaffery only being available for 9 games in last 2 seasons, etc... ...it's just way too soon to be jumping to conclusions... ...we're still in the bottom-of-the-first of a day/night doubleheader.
  16. That is an interesting analysis/thought. I too thought "Person will never get another interview after this article"... Smitty usually goes on Bailey's show on Monday's, will be interesting to see what he has to say if he's on this week.
  17. ...and from where Tepper sits that is a "we" problem (Tepper/Rhule/Fitterer)...not a "you" problem (Rhule). They are partners and all are party to the situation. At some point if visible progress isn't made Tepper will say "we are not working" and Rhule will be gone but all signs point to Tepper not being there at this time. I highlight the Panthers website & twitter, as well as Darin Gantt's twitter, because they've made a point of repeatedly focusing on and publicizing these 2 words preceded by David Tepper's name: "...tremendously supportive..." Just seems illogical that the official team media channels would repeatedly do that if Tepper was going to can the guy in 2-weeks (not to mention NFL open season on interviewing started last week).
  18. I think he's a dolt and is mad about being cut so being the petty little bitch he is he's piling on in anonymous fashion because it makes him feel good. One player has spoken on the record about Rhule -- the alpha dog no less:
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