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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. "...paranoia strike deeps, into your life it will creep..."
  2. Who wrote "the talking notes"....in your opinion?
  3. So do you consider F.J. Person to be "media" yet believable?
  4. Matt Millen wasn't "endorsing" anyone... ...he was simply functioning as a qualified and informed reporter and reporting on what the Panthers players told him during Fox/NFL Network pregame productions meetings. If you are unfamiliar with said meetings some color available here: Pregame production meetings crucial for NFL broadcasts
  5. Exactly. 5% owners are along for the ride and nothing more.
  6. Here's the primary guy you absolutely don't want having Tepper's contact info. (that'd be Lifetime stalker movie material) Now that's quite funny coming from a guy who spent hours composing a 2-page, 26-paragraph, 737-word screed about why David Tepper is the devil -- talk about a fixation That said...good to see you back at full-strength...after a 45-day read-only sabbatical you've certainly made up for lost time with 1,575 posts since...that's 41 per day, every single day (I bet you can get the overall daily average up to 42 before midnight )... ...gentlemen, to put this into perspective, miss a single day and you have to put up 82 posts the next day to keep the pace...this is what it takes to get to 513,492 posts... ...a truly elite performance
  7. Not in the least. In the timeframe since he bought the Panthers -- in the markets Tepper has made a bit more than double what he paid for the Panthers... ...put another way, if making more money was a concern he would devote ALL his time to Appaloosa Management and NONE to the Panthers -- it's a hobby. He's a 60-something guy who can't possibly spend all his money and is at a point in his life where he wants to have some fun -- fun for him is real life Fantasy Football PS...factoring in the opportunity cost for Tepper allocating his personal time/attention elsewhere, the MLS team is a massive money-loser for Tepper -- again, a hobby.
  8. Oh no that won't work, a coach can't "disrespect" a man in this day and age... ...he'll "lose the locker room" and instead running off soft-players the Gone Guys will demand the Coach be fired. Rinse & repeat...
  9. Huh? That's not what I said at all. Yeah that quote was pulled from @Toomers post, no idea how your name ended up in the header In truth it's a hobby for Tepper, nothing more. No different than a billionaire with a warehouse full of 37 Ferrari's and other exotics... ...if they go up in value that's nice but it has no material impact his net-worth -- just as if the warehouse burns down and he loses them all, oh well that was fun.
  10. These days we live in a world full of p*ssies... ...if Jim's act wore thin 7 years ago it definitely will not fly in the respect era we have now.
  11. Been done before... ...zero impact... ...waste of funds while simultaneously lining the pockets of a really sh*tty newspaper
  12. Washington Football Club Washington Football Team was just fine....shoulda left it alone. (both times for that matter)
  13. CBS this time, will be interesting to see who they assign to be announcers
  14. 82.8% are pre-sold before the season starts… …meanwhile, PSL’s available for sale/purchase continue to drop steadily.
  15. If they lose it will match the 3-year / 15-win totals for ‘00 + ‘01 + ‘02, as well as ‘10 + ‘11 + ‘12. If by chance they win (hey, Buc’s had to make epic comeback to beat Jets last week )… …it will match 3-year / 16-win totals for ‘09 + ‘10 + ‘11, as well as ‘99 + ‘00 + ‘01. Everything in life is cyclical and this franchise has been right here on multiple occasions before. Nobody understands cycles better than Mr. David Alan Tepper and while the Gone Guys and hacks like FJ Person are panicking — Mr. Tepper remains calm and is doing work
  16. Nope. Nor have there been any incidents/outbursts like what was seen repeatedly with Urban...
  17. Nuance is important, pay attention... ..."incidents/outbursts"... ...no "comments" needed -- res ipsa loquitur. These are signs of a coach "losing" the locker-room, surely you're already aware of all those situations?
  18. Oh, meant to address this too... ...in case you didn't notice Cam's comments were "unsolicited"... ...for those keeping score at home that means they weren't given in response to a reporter's question -- but rather, offered up extemporaneously as he knew it was the proper thing to do. Key phrase for you to zero in on: "...unsolicited defense..."
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