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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Actually I lived in Manhattan when it happened and 100% agree it was a laughable decision (because Geno is worse than Silver Platter Sam)... ...but you are wildly overstating the long-term ramifications of that decision... ...obviously because it's a convenient fantasy for the Gone Guys™...
  2. It's hilarious how sure of yourself and your opinions you still are... Exactly zero "opinions" offered in my post... ...only known facts.
  3. Literally nothing you said was true. Hilarious that Tepper, Rhule & Co. are castigated when a ne'er do well like Hamilton declines an interview... ...and ALSO taken to the woodshed after hiring a long-tenured NFL veteran who has a stellar resume and a Super Bowl ring. Gone Guys™...just a miserable bunch, can't be a fun way to go through life
  4. Do you understand how NFL coaching contracts are worded in terms of collecting compensation due after having been fired? It's no coincidence that when he was fired he had 2-years left on his deal, and, he sat out 2-years.
  5. So what? Probably just wanted to spend a little time with family/friends and hunt and fish… …you know, like Luke.
  6. Ben was gainfully employed by the Jag’s in 2020 and the Cowboys in 2021.
  7. “…waah, waaah, waAAAAHH…” — Gone Guys™, Jan. 2021 —
  8. Never been more intrigued Can't take your eyes off of this
  9. And you went back repeatedly because....??
  10. ABANDON SHIP!!! Whiny Aaron likes they guy and supports him -- let's give Ben a fair shot
  11. "Jake" was a baaaaAAD man 16-games over .500 in his Panthers career with 8-playoff games and a 5-3 record as such... ...all best-in-class for your Carolina Panthers Kudos to Jake, good onya mate...
  12. Our last two quarterback decisions were signing Teddy Bridgewater and Sam Darnold. Would you suggest their failure was just "bad luck" or does it point to a problem evaluating the quarterback position? The "last two" were actually Cam Newton and Matt Barkley... ...signed 1-day apart.
  13. Over 50% of PSL’s are original owners from 1995, by definition locals… …and of the overall PSL count the “corporate” slice is very small — big corporate owns the boxes.
  14. Ignore the Gone Guys™ cacophony and stick with the plan/process
  15. A big fat paycheck and you never know, if Rhule is exited mid-season he might actually get the chance to take the wheel and show the NFL what he can do. The guy has had 5 jobs in the last 5 years...he's used to one & done
  16. Rats jump off a sinking ship my dude. Exactly... ...Gone Guys™ (and girls) missing the point -- this has everything to do with the Panthers.
  17. Big Boy Wilson rarely brings anything to the table () but today he did mention McAdoo interviewed with Rhule & Co. back when they hired Brady...so for them to bring him back some sort of positive impression must have been made.
  18. I did and agree with @Harbingers…she’s working part-time somewhere, why not with the Panthers? We keep hearing about organizational dysfunction internally and are seeing a series of departures with feel-good explanations which folks aren’t inclined to question, but think about all she’s giving up by leaving…and keep in mind, she’s still working. An aside, what was the name of the guy who was with Rhule 10+ years and left suddenly early last year, I think? (FYI…organizational dysfunction and illogical/unexplained departures by notable employees should be something the Gone Guys™ latch onto as they effort to displace Rhule— the datapoints are starting to add up.) (PS…also keep in mind she’s a holdover from the Richardson organization.)
  19. Is it possible she became unwilling to toe-the-line as it goes to the spin doctoring expectations set by the Grand Poobahs?
  20. The number of “be with family” departures by seemingly key/high-profile employees is growing…
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