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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Can't remember who the ringleader was but seem to remember a similar narrative surrounding Justin Herbert a while back...
  2. Nonsense...right here in print. That said, the Bottom Line really is simple...if Navarro has the geetus/moolah/whip-out, his $2.6B bid would have been accepted -- but he didn't have the means to close.
  3. So it's just a coincidence they both ended up in the same place? https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/redskins/dont-worry-about-final-say-over-redskins-personnel-because-ron-rivera-has-it
  4. They do, in Washington. Ron is one of a handful of minority NFL coaches...so what's wrong with his decision making? He now a "Good Ol' Boy"...?
  5. Guys like Kestenbaum and Navarro were only paraded through in an attempt to get Tepper up -- neither had the requisite cash to effect a purchase. Correct, Navarro didn't have the cash. Oh yeah? Who were the other investors? Tepper wasn't fast-tracked, but rather, he was the only legit candidate with cash in hand. Navarro had a bid of $2.6B in place but Tepper knew he didn't have to raise his, because, it was known Navarro didn't have the cash/geetus/whip-out. It was a one-horse race from the start...and the Appaloosa won. PS...every time an NFL team is sold the other 31 are marked to market -- no way the other owners would allow Tepper to buy in at a discount, that's taking money out of their own pockets. PPS...if you think Tepper's "hedgie" background plays poorly in the press, OMG is Navarro's sub-prime lending history was ever fully vetted
  6. That guy had 2 stints, 14 years here and is still employed in the league. There is no fugging way any of this makes sense unless you admit it's a broke system. Wasn't it Ron Rivera who hired Marty Hurney in Washington? What were Ron's motivations for doing so were?
  7. Gregger says Panthers are closer than you think...
  8. It's being reported that Harbaugh thought the "interview" was a mere formality and the job was his for the taking... ...apparently that wasn't the case
  9. Trust me, they all know. I'd venture there's never been a single instance where a minority candidate was brought in to "check the box" and then the team in question thought "you know what, screw the guy who is our top pick, let's hire this dude"...!! It is what it is and none of this is a surprise. The solution is get rid of the rule, it accomplishes nothing.
  10. Exactly. Other than allowing guys to gain experience for the interview process, which could in fact help them down the road -- the rule accomplishes nothing.
  11. Exactly. Anyone who is surprised by this has clearly had head squarely buried in sand for years...
  12. Because the League has made it a requirement. Why? I'm not sure...appearances? Bad ideas/rules always have unintended consequences. Curious, what law is Flores alleging was broken?
  13. Looks like you were spot-on here -- wow. Flores has taken himself from the coaching pinnacle to never working in The League again... ...in less than a month.
  14. Imagine throwing your lot in with Eli "I gotta go take a sh*t" Apple... ...truly the epitome of desperation as well as abandonment of whatever shred of a moral compass that might still exist
  15. Head Ball Coach. One of only 32 in the entire world (actually less at present due to unfilled jobs). GM too. Nice gig if you can get it
  16. He should just refuse... ...this too should go the way of the Wonderlic test.
  17. Yep. I haven’t seen a single Bucs fan say they’d rather be competitive year after year with just a chance to win a championship over sucking every 20 years and then winning one Over 1/3rd of ALL teams in the NFL (12) have never won a Super Bowl... ...and 9 teams have won 71% of all the Super Bowls played... ...in the modern era the Buccaneers are truly ELITE
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