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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. This could be the understatement of the year! 3rd Leg Greg shares your optimism and sentiments: “I don’t think they are as far as everyone thinks they are. We see teams every year going from fourth in their division, to winning their division. We see teams go from being a top 10 draft pick the year before, to all of a sudden being in playoff contention, and making a run through the playoffs” --- Greg Olsen, WFNZ --- The interview can be heard here: https://wfnz.com/130630/greg-olsen-panthers-arent-far-away-from-being-a-playoff-team/
  2. Nonsense, point misser. Shaping up to be a big day for you…keep on trucking Trigger
  3. Curious exactly who said this? I listen to the station a lot and have never heard this…
  4. What do you consider patience? Last winning record and playoff appearance was half a decade ago. Son… …gird up your loins, you have no idea
  5. The topic at hand is Rhule, 2 seasons…less than that given COVID effects. While your comment/post literally makes no sense… …do you believe Mike Jordan’s Bobcats are allowed to lay claim to the significant Hornets accomplishments under the ownership/guidance of George Shinn? Point misser extraordinaire…
  6. Long-term team records aren't delineated based on ownership. It's been 2 years dude... ...complex business turnarounds take time, show a little patience already.
  7. In the grand scheme of things the Panthers are actually well ahead of pace as it goes to appearing in Super Bowls... The Panthers have appeared in 2 Super Bowls and in most cases, despite many many decades of extra tenure, only 18 teams have appeared in 3 or more. No team with fewer years in the NFL has appeared in more Super Bowls than the Panthers... ...conversely -- 3 teams with longer tenure have been to the same # (2) of Super Bowls (Buccaneers/1976, Bears/1920, Falcons/1966)... ...4 teams with a LOT longer tenure have only 1 Super Bowl (Cardinals/1920, Saints/1967, Jets/1960, Chargers/1960)... ...and 2 teams with MUCH longer-tenure have never been to a Super Bowl (Lions/1930 and Browns/1950). Be careful what you whine about...
  8. Richardson was not forced to sell. "...could be..." is wide enough to drive a Mack truck though. In theory it's possible former Head Ball Coach Flores "could be forced to" pay monetary damages to Stephen Ross who is on the record saying the allegations are “false, malicious and defamatory” and further states he is eager to personally defend himself, and the organization, against said allegations. It's interesting to note that going into the 2021 season the Dolphins employed a black GM, a black Head Ball Coach, and of the top-8 executive positions below owner -- 50% were filled by black men (this is still the case). If ever an NFL team exhibited "diversity" it sure appears the Miami Dolphins are that organization...lo & behold, they just hired another minority Head Ball Coach. If anything Flores was the one who didn't promote black coaches on his staff, only 4-of-20. Who knows how it will shake out, but this "could have to sell" narrative is entirely premature...
  9. I don't believe Rhule said what the completely unsourced original tweeter is alleging -- her comments are #FakeNews.
  10. Go get some rest trigger ... ...new week starts tomorrow and you need to be focused in order to keep up the GOAT posting performance
  11. And you with the predictably creepy stalkerish posts again... As usual no rebuttal just you waving the LOL...
  12. Says the guy with 562,411 cut & paste no-opinion posts...
  13. Russ and Whiny Aaron aren't going anywhere... ...write it down.
  14. I'm really not aware of who they might be but just for example guys like OBJ and Vonn Miller who can truly hand-pick their team will have a VERY short list of places they are willing to go... ...the Panthers are probably in the company of another 27 other NFL teams who are not on that short list. Patience, will be rewarded...
  15. Who are some of the top players expected to be on the move that we will miss out on?
  16. Is Tepper now involved in player personnel decisions?
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