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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Sure did Hey, how does one italicize a word when using speech to text? Hope you have a nice day...stay focused, you're off to a good start and it could be a banner day! Cheers fellas... PS: Gonna be a beautiful weather day, at least open the window for a while Think I will take a 6-mile hike...
  2. Never alluded to anything of the sort one way or the other. In fact, just made up the "7" number to see how you'd react That you think I would care even a single solitary iota is likely the most laughable thing I have heard in the new year
  3. Why do you think it's legit? This isn't a disability case. Again, do you believe Flores is writing checks to pay these attorneys? None of the "compensation" demands you "copy pasted directly from the lawsuit itself" would result in any sort of monetary reward to cover the costs/time incurred by the ambulance chasers... ...so are you thinking it's a pro bono effort on their part?
  4. 1. The $100k assertion is fiction. 2. Flores would take the $5M because his attorneys would require him to do so -- or -- force him to find new representation. Ask yourself this, do you believer Flores is actually paying the legal bills for these incredibly high-priced New York City based ambulance-chasing hucksters? Or, do you think they are doing the smearing and threatening on a contingency basis? Hmm...
  5. Naah...they don't hand out $5M checks willy nilly. The guy who briefly played QB for the 49'ers settled for less than $5M and he had to limp along for years...
  6. The 2 most visceral woe-is-me negative thinking Panthers/Rhule/Tepper haters have their very own little 2-man circle jerk... ...no surprise Beekeeping, check into it guys -- a tag team approach would probably be very effective
  7. Either that or a $5 million check to go away His ambulance chasers are only in it for one-reason and one-reason alone -- extract some benjamins , clip 30% of them -- and move on down the road to the next extortion attempt
  8. How long did that take? Have you ever stopped to think about the sheer amount of the you waste on this site fretting and complaining about something that's supposed to be fun? Literally adds up to multiple work years... I hear bee-keeping is quite interesting/rewarding, you might think about giving that a shot...you know, find an enjoyable hobby All are experienced and at the very top of their profession. This "nobody wants to come to the Panthers" narrative is patently false... ...#FakeNews if you will
  9. 7 top coaches with top NFL pedigrees have "agreed" to join the club... ...you should abandon ship pal -- jump on some other bandwagon that might bring you a modicum ofenjoyment, life's too short.
  10. Exactly what sort of compensation are the ambulance-chasers seeking for Flores in that lawsuit? Dolphins have to be pleased with this -- monies they owed to Flores are offset by whatever the Steelers are paying him. Any monetary/timing details on the Flores contract with the Steelers?
  11. Based on what a lot of experts (including 3rd Leg Greg) the last chapter on Silver Platter Sam has not been written and you may just get your wish...
  12. Who are the 4 or 5 most notable losses? Have there been off-setting hires that are deserving of your acknowledgment?
  13. I've literally heard one Super Fan claim his team source says Rhule insists on approving all tweets and other social media posts... ...guess Rhule must be pretty darn good at it #2
  14. What sort of stale pablum did he repackage & regurgitate this time? Any reports/feedback?
  15. This is amazing There was a school of thought from MLS that their teams needed reasonably sized soccer-specific stadiums in order to counter the perception of poor attendance when games were held in massive NFL stadiums but if CFC can keep selling tickets at this pace that won't be a problem!
  16. Short of an ownership change is there any reason, at all, to believe things will improve -- ever?
  17. Mr. Whip-it-Out's agent toying with a compliant press corps, again He ain't going anywhere...
  18. Fitterer & 3rd Leg Greg are both on record saying the final chapter has yet to be written on Silver Platter Sam
  19. No. The model dictates that this sort of management challenge is faced in a collaborative manner and all the key exec's (Tepper, Rhule, Fitterer, Morgan) were involved...that's just how it works.
  20. Who comprises the list of "rock star OC's" in the NFL? And which of them were available for hire this off-season?
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