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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Someone has come out of the gate galloping ... ...a new track record is within reach
  2. Credit to you for being cognizant of and actually having a plan… …makes you a true 1%’er in these parts
  3. Tepper isn't going anywhere... ...so what's your plan for the next 20 years?
  4. If you were Fitterer that choice would not be yours...
  5. Depending on the "athlete" and locale... ...schools, culture, climate, tax climate, organization, contract, etc... Charlotte is a wonderful place to live, just look at all the pro athletes who make it their permanent home when they're done playing (or even off-seaon home)...3rd Leg, Smitty, Kalil, Wil Myers, Curry, Bogues, etc... ...mostly family oriented men. Now if rolling with bangers & runnin' ho's is the lifestyle you're looking for, The CLT probably isn't a preferred destination PS...less than a handful of pro athletes actually live in "NYC"
  6. Possibly the only cogent/smart statement that dolt has ever made... ...but he's spot on
  7. Good for the Browns… …too bad the Texans didn’t do the same with Mr. Whip-It-Out.
  8. This isn’t a “job” for Big Tepp… …simply a hobby, nothing more. (appears to constitute life or death for some )
  9. Not a single player on the record against Rhule... ...many on the record pro-Rhule. .. ...all the bloggers, twitter-warriors/#posers keep barfing up watery/phony pablum on an unchecked basis -- and the naive keep slurping it down unabated
  10. Good for Baker... ...prefer him to Mr. Whip-It-Out all day... ...bring it on!
  11. Impeccable moral character...elite arm talent and overall physical skills...tons of intellectual -power... ...what's not to like? Looks to have all the upside of Mr. Whip-It-Out and none if the downside/character-issues... ...sign ip Saint Malik and slam theon ol' W.I.O.
  12. It literally said by Joe Person that we are out. A guarantee by Joe "Last to Know" Person and $5.14 will get you a vente mocha at Starbucks (at least it did last time I was there). The only guy making (up) more with less is @ellis
  13. This literally makes no sense at all. Give it another shot... As for the regular programming, is today the new drop-deadline for a Whip-It-Out deal? If not today, when?
  14. Boy wouldn’t that be something if Tepper paid off all the young therapists Whip-It-Out abused
  15. It's a negotiation....no vote will be taken.
  16. Whip-It-Out will net less in NC vs. TX as there is no personal income tax in Tejas.
  17. Wait, I'm not a fan of the guy, but what did he do to land him a stretch in prison? Yeah that’s pure fiction… …just like Kraft was a child sex trafficker
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