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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Huh? He just bought the team "a few years ago"... What were the new colors and name purported to be?
  2. Now the water-boy is piling on... ...what is this world coming to Oh I now see who he's teamed up with, Russillo, morons all around
  3. Because he's a head case... One tweet said his agent "informed the team weeks ago he was pulling his opening proposal off the table"...why the heck did he do that? Less than no-interest in this wingnut
  4. I had Marty's number but he's gone... ...you go text Tepper
  5. How so? PSL's have proven to be a complete boondoggle... ...who the f'k is dumb enough to travel that path again?
  6. Yet another reason Tepper won’t move the team… …annuity-type revenue-streams like the Panthers possess are almost impossible to walk away from
  7. It's working 1000% Of the ~62,000+ seats controlled by PSL’s today there are 2,003 available for sale… …nothing more than a blip The Panthers business ops are well insulated from the short-term knee-jerk whinging of the hoi polio
  8. Luke didn't leave to "fish/hunt and spend time with family"... ...there was something else going on he didn't like, and it has to trace back to Rhule. There were several unexplained departures in close proximity to Rhule's honeymoon period and Luke has literally had zero involvement since (outside hedges at camp, sitting in cheap seats at a game, etc)... ...there's a rift and this dinner was likely an air-clearing-exercise/olive-branch-extension -- great scoop @ChapelHill80 -- you've lapped all the other "reporters" with this one report alone Questions are: 1. Who initiated it? 2. Why do it at a public restaurant...intentional?
  9. Agreed. If our local/elected officials refuse to provide him with the funds to build a new stadium I don't believe Tepper will move the team... ...but if he does, good riddance. That said, you should disabuse yourself of the notion any other NFL team/expansion-franchise would ever relocate here in the absence of a tax-payor funded Taj Mahal (stadium).
  10. Not having this complex in Rock Hill will at least make the threat of leaving Charlotte more plausible. 100% fiction
  11. What's your thesis here? You ready to write the check for a new stadium for another billionaire owner? Because that's what it is going to take... That's a win?
  12. “billionaire” = “petty” It’s a mutually inclusive condition, I’m surprised you didn’t know this . Just so you know, billionaires also aren’t allowed to hold the other side to their contractual obligations during the execution of a business deal… …if said deal gets sideways due to lack of performance by the other side — the billionaire is expected to simply keep moving forward and fund the other side’s obligations too. These are only 2 of at least a dozen immutable laws/conditions codified in The Official Billionaire’s Behaviorsaurus as published by The Huddle Society of Billionaire Haters… …carry on
  13. We talked about it after the show. Dude puts in endless hours on it. Nobody works harder, and it shows. Are you on the record for who the Team will take at #6?
  14. 100% agree. Tepper has zero ability to "dig into" anyone's pocket other than his own... ...the duly elected local officials in Rock Hill are the folks who did the digging (or said they would anyway ). Keep this situation in mind when you're in the voting booth later this year and in case you've forgotten: > City Councilman James "Smuggie" Mitchell said YES to giving Charloot tax-payor funds to Jerry Richardson for stadium renovations. >Governor Pat McCrory said NO to Richardson when he tried to dip into the till of the State of NC. Both are on the ballot this year... ...vote wisely
  15. Anybody & @kungfoodude both nailed it... ...Rock Hill & Co are simply being taught a lesson in Negotiations 101 by a Grand Master in the discipline... ...it will all work out. Let it be known all the hand wringing, fretting, and gnashing of teeth, can now safely be redirected toward seriously hating on Rhule/billionaires/Silver Platter Sam/etc... ...take your pick [or alternatively sucking the dick of ambulance chasing con-men yankee lawyers ]
  16. How many "billions" are you expecting? Tepper has no ability whatsoever to redirect tax-payor funds for any project, his or otherwise... ...only your duly elected officials can do so... ...keep it in mind when voting season comes later this year You do vote, right?
  17. I thought the Broncos franchise is Byron Allen's for the taking?
  18. Tepper should just make the tickets free… …it’s not fair to make poor people pay to attend an NFL game
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