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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Wobby's ticket out of town is about to be upgraded to First Class from Coach That said, he's just as qualified to dictate personnel-moves/hiring-decisions as Mr. Whip-It-Out... ...namely, not at all
  2. Wobby is gonna get himself cut… …this sort of distraction/press doesn’t do anyone any good.
  3. So now you’re defending Jets fans?
  4. Backpedal? Romanowski & Incognito are the definition of thugs with repeated instances of bad behaviour both on and off the field, both of whom continue/d to find employment in the NFL because of their respective skill sets. You may not like it but those are the facts pal…just the way it is in the NFL.
  5. When did Sam ever call out our fans? Which of the 2 do you expect to play in the NFL in 2022-2023?
  6. Out in the open with it tonight I see The League is full of them… …Richie Incognito and Bill Romanowski are two prime examples
  7. Doesn't seem at all equitable Is the collective mindset such that a bunch of Whiny Aaron's $50,000,000 should be subject to wealth distribution...? Spend it for him11!
  8. They still will. People will still buy them if nothing more than a tax write off. "...a tax write off..." WTF?!? Explain that to me please
  9. Because they're oppressed by a bunch of "billionaires"...!! (not to mention many have skill sets that cannot be replicated hence the thugs keep getting to re-run it)
  10. Last I remember from Shaq Thompson (as reported by SI) is this: Following the loss to New Orleans on Sunday, linebacker Shaq Thompson was asked if he felt like Rhule has lost the locker room and was kind of taken off guard by the question. "I don't know what you're talking about that he [Matt Rhule] lost the locker room and stuff like that. I don't think he lost the locker room at all. People may be frustrated, yeah," Thompson said. "We just got to keep our head up and keep fighting for each other. At the end of the day, I learned from Luke [Keuchly] and TD [Thomas Davis] and the biggest thing is 'Keep Pounding'. Regardless if we're losing, we've got to come out here and keep playing. But this locker room though, there's a lot of guys that come in each and every day regardless win, lose, draw, we are going to come in here and work." https://www.si.com/nfl/panthers/gm-report/is-there-still-trust-in-rhules-process Is there some new news you're referencing (since 1/4/22) from Shaq that contradicts his clear position/statements on the topic?
  11. Howard Levine was probably the only local candidate who actually had the cash (family already owned 10.38%) and management horsepower to execute/operate, but he didn't appear to have interest...
  12. Good point. Put another way, the Packers total-revenues (prior to any kind of expense) are approx. $375M and Whiny Aaron is going to clip $50,000,000 of that right off the top Screw these whiny QB's... ...STFU & show up & earn your damn pay
  13. Nonsense. Tepper would write off the Rhule contract as a bad-trade expense in a nano-second it he decided the benefits of exiting outweighed the cons/expense. Tepper's worth $16B due to 3 primary reasons: 1. Superior expertise/information. 2. Doesn't panic when everyone else is freaking out. 3. NEVER hesitates to unwind a bad-trade.
  14. All credit card debt should be forgiven along with the student loans... ...make the billionaires eat it All joking aside, Samir's got this...as Whiny Aaron says r-e-l-a-x
  15. Agreed. I've always tried to support the guy but his behaviour only seems to be deteriorating....looks to be sinking into some bad patterns...hope he cleans his act up before something serious happens
  16. But "the product sucks"... ...so how do you figure?
  17. You are what your record says you are. 36-18 w/ a Super Bowl game, 2 NFC Championship appearances, multiple playoff wins over Whiny Aaron, etc… …that ain’t “mid level”… …that’s elite
  18. What do you estimate total-annual-revenues to be for the Carolina Panthers?
  19. 49'ers: 2015 > 5-11 2016 > 2-14 2017 > 1-10 w/o Jimmy G. 2018 > 3-10 w/o Jimmy G. 2020 > 3-7 w/o Jimmy G. '17/'18/'20 > 7-27 (.206) w/o Jimmy G. '17/'18/'20 > 9-6 (.600) w/ Jimmy G. '19/'21 > 27-12 (.692) w/ Jimmy G. fully available, includes a Super Bowl and 2 NFC Championship games, as well as multiple playoff wins against Whiny Aaron. Jimmy G. is the epitome of a difference maker... ...the anti-Darnold if you will -- Panthers could use a some of that
  20. Great scoop You had it nailed from post #1, well done. In one fell swoop you have moved to the head of the class of "reporters" on this site
  21. Every team in the nfl has money Yup... ...and "every team in the NFL"... ...plays in, the NFL. There's ALWAYS a line of guys -- all of whom are someone's "son" -- dying to don a uniform and line up in the NFL. By your flawed logic the Browns shouldn't even be able to field a team -- they went almost 30 without winning a playoff game. Dolphins haven't won a playoff game in 21 years. 19 years for the Raiders since last playoff win. Redskins, 16 years. 11, 11 and 10 for the Jets, Bears and Giants respectively. SO much completely uninformed hyperbole, so little perspective...
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