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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Jer' had his kinks but appears to have been a single-A ball-player by comparison...
  2. Al Franken and Jerry Richardson would disagree...
  3. Didn't Tepper had take a back-seat to the "football people"....namely Fitterer and Rhule...is this not the case? Seems all we hear is "Tepper Tepper Tepper"... What kind of organizational model is in place here? @Mr. Scot
  4. The concept (innocent until proven guilty) no longer exists in American society. Al Franken was never charged with anything civilly or criminally... ...nor was Jerry Richardson.
  5. Texans just flopped The Nuts... ...DW's legal bills will be mountainous... ...he'll have to show up and collect a paycheck! (assumes he is eligible)
  6. Did you give Robert Kraft the benefit of the doubt in similar fashion?
  7. https://nypost.com/2021/03/17/deshaun-watson-lawsuit-graphic-details-emerge/
  8. Two real opinions from you in 1-week! A Festivus miracle! Everyone go get a lottery ticket...
  9. Funny how "she said" has been enough to convict-now & investigate-later in basically 100% of all cases in the recent past... ...if nothing else, given the me-too times we are living in the NFL will have to conduct an investigation which never seems to happen fast. Is a player even tradeable while that sort of thing is taking place?
  10. 6 Division The Texans are also clearly a dumpster of an organization and have been for a very long time. 6 division titles in last 10-seasons. 7 winning records last 10-seasons (same as Panthers entire history!). Hopkins trade was 6-mos before DW signed a new contract --- so organizational dysfunction is not an excuse.
  11. Funny. My sense is the new administration within the Texans has cut off communication with McClain and at this point he's just publishing personal opinions and nothing else.
  12. If the money isn't disclosed how can you draw any conclusions whatsoever about the purported "millions"? And the super-model girlfriend? Whoo, head-scratcher that one is...you know what they say about you-know-what being undefeated, lol...
  13. How much? Him? The model? Be specific plz. 45 days until NFL draft Round 1... ..but truth is, Texans have already signaled the answer repeatedly -- some just aren't able or willing to accept the truth. EDIT/PS...LOL on the "model girlfriend", apparently her last boyfriend (an NBA player) publicly stated she's a "gold-digger"...hahaha. (and she posted a 15-minute video in response, can't make this up!) Deshaun is clearly hanging around the wrong people...
  14. Oh yeah, how much does he make in endorsements? And the model he dates? She's interested in paying his bills? To be honest, I can't recollect a commercial or advertisement of any kind which he appears in...
  15. Kudos for giving a straight answer. Wish I could access a lottery machine right now...
  16. Whoever helps us win. Who is better suited to do just that? Mitchy? Or Teddy?
  17. Yup. You know what they say... ...it's all about the benjamins
  18. WHOAH!!! Scoop o' da day!!! Good onya mate....
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