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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Why would he get re-engage with the bottom-feeding Panthers organization as long as Rhule & Tepper are in charge? Seems odd...
  2. Of the ~62,000+ seats controlled by PSL’s today there are 2,112 available for sale… …nothing more than a blip Due to being innovators/first-movers on the PSL front the Panthers business ops are well insulated from short-term swings in sentiment -- keep pounding .
  3. He was great for the game... ...good onya mate .
  4. Understood. That said, look, I’m just defending myself against lies and unfair attacks. I take the time to give the guy a thoughtful primer on the strategic benefits of incorporation and how bankruptcy is part of the corporate toolkit and his response is “you copied that from somewhere else” (I didn’t) and then tells a bold-faced lie saying I said Tepper’s whole plan for this project from the get-go was bankruptcy — not only his statement completely illogical, I did not say it. The academic credentials bet is a result of Carnac taking unwarranted potshots at me personally, just trying to get him to put his money where his mouth is (he never will, all hat, no ). FTR, I am not Sanjay…literally have no idea who that is. Nor am I “Chuck”…no idea who that is either. In closing, I will say my graduate degree is of the Ivy variety. Cheers mate… PS…I’ll mute the guy, will make it a lot easier to get through threads as they will all be 50% shorter .
  5. Based on your responses in this thread, I'd say you very much care! Lol!! Just outside looking in. When provided facts/info that runs counter to whatever uninformed notion he has the time (bankruptcy was never part of the plan) and is further called out by other huddlers like@Tbe Carnac then says "oh you just copied that from somewhere else" and then doubles down ...and makes up a stone cold lie! Then he won't defend that and stops replying directly but starts making petty personal insults in response to others and then when called out on that he won't put his money where his mouth is . Carnac, let's make a bet on academic credentials... ...the loser logs off and never comes back -- whadya say?
  6. So specifically which code-violation would you cite Tepper for? Would you like tape the ticket to one of the steel girders on the unfinished super-structure and hope someone finds it? Mail it? Hand deliver to Mint Street? What kind of fines are we talking about? $100? $1000?
  7. Whadya say we make a bet? What would it take for you to completely log-off of this website for an entire year? You categorically stated I don't have an MBA "or any other degree"... ...how confident are you in that statement?
  8. This is a good question ... ...in fact, the entity Tepper just put into bankruptcy also shows up as the owner of the 4.6 acre parcel near the stadium that was sold for $15.5 million late last year.
  9. What are your academic credentials? I'd stack mine up against yours any day pal ...
  10. "The city" can't "force" Tepper to do anything... ...he owns the property and can do as he pleases. The "I want mine NOW" crowd needs to chill out... ...odds are good this will all ultimately get worked out .
  11. Nonsense. I challenge you to parse the creditor list and isolate the companies you feel could "go belly up" and point out the specific cases where "working men might get hosed"... ...the 17 creditors in question are listed on page-13 of the bankruptcy document that can be accesses here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_8BrC74ioh-w7c_46zg7M6ar3MUSu3F3/view
  12. We are discussing the Rock Hill project... ...not what "might" have happened at some other project.
  13. Both of these sentences #FakeNews...I never said anything of the sort . @Tbe
  14. Bullshit. All the "working men" got paid what they earned.
  15. Absolute nonsense... ...your imagination know no bounds . If true a cut & paste master like yourself should be able to locate the original source... ...unless that's me... ...let us know what you find .
  16. Response? To what? As is the norm, you put a bunch words on paper which in their sum-total said absolutely nothing. Ok, a basic primer if you will…knowing you’re the audience, I will keep it simple . Large scale real-estate projects like this are incredibly complex, rife with risk, and they often go off the rails at some point along the journey. In order to ring-fence said risks, projects of this nature are virtually always incorporated (generally in Delaware) as their own entity. This isolates the project from any and all other projects, corporate entities, and/or personal assets/interests David Tepper might be party to — this is standard operating procedure. So why Delaware? Because Delaware as a state is very much pro-business, the Delaware corporate statute/s are the most progressive/current in the country, and Delaware has a dedicated Court of Chancery which allows parties to a business dispute to get in front a judge and settle the dispute on an expedited basis (relatively speaking anyway). So why was bankruptcy “part of the plan”? Obviously bankruptcy wasn’t the goal for this project — but prudent risk assessment and management of said risks dictates the corporate structure, and allows for bankruptcy to be used as a tool should the project get off the rails — that’s why it was always “part of the plan”. What does the bankruptcy accomplish? With the project halted for the time being this allows GT Real Estate Holdings, LLC to get all claims (valid and otherwise) before one court/judge to adjudicate on a timely basis so a limited pool of assets can be allocated among valid claims. This vs. defending a bunch of different lawsuits, in different courts and states (I count 8 different states in the creditor list). Bottom line? We shall see but only 3 of the 17 claims are disputed and I suspect the other 14 will be settled in a reasonable manner that is acceptable to both parties. The 3 disputed claims are all big-boy companies that know and understand the risks (except maybe York Co. ) of getting involved with a project of this magnitude, they’ll all be fine. Also, once the dust settles don’t be surprised if Tepper reorganizes and cranks this thing back up and ultimately finishes it .
  17. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_8BrC74ioh-w7c_46zg7M6ar3MUSu3F3/view The full list of creditors (only 17) is on page-13 of the document linked above... ...who do you figure ends up getting "screwed"?
  18. He is but Carnac supports him because I'm on the other side of the argument ...
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