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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. There is a single checkbook funding football operations, Tepper's checkbook. Nobody is suggesting Tepper's making decisions on some backup DB, not at all... ...but if you think he isn't a party to and ultimately approving big/expensive decisions like bringing in Teddy, exiting Teddy, bringing in Sam, signing Moton, etc -- you're deluded. As for the chain of "reporting", you have consistently held Fitterer out to be a "traditional GM"...LOL. Debating "traditional" is moot because Fitty isn't even the GM -- Rhule has that job!
  2. The Panthers are a business, a solid medium sized business... ...the product just happens to be football. Tepper is on top of everything, period.
  3. Guys who have been in the football business for decades taking advice from someone who's never done anything close to what they're doing? Yeah, sure You are clueless about the business of business... ...100% c-l-u-e-l-e-s-s.
  4. Spot on. However, don't underestimate his involvement here.
  5. Why would involving the smartest guy in the room be a "concern"...??
  6. Interesting to look back at some of the comments by Chris Ballard (Colts Traditional GM) at the time of the signing...
  7. You've read this whole thread and still don't know? That's pretty dim You don't get it, do you?
  8. The other attempted QB scrap-heap resurrection took a major hit today... ...Wentz out 5-12 weeks for foot surgery.
  9. That's exactly what it means. Nobody said it was "special or revolutionary"...but it is definitively non-traditional and rare...only time will tell if it produces results here.
  10. ^^^ You have nailed/described the model currently being employed by the Panthers --- the GM* reports to the Head Ball Coach. It's a very non-traditional model but to his credit Tepper feels no need to subscribe to archaic NFL models/traditions of any kind... ...Tepp's cut from the Sinatra cloth --- "I do it my way". *NOTE: Director of Player Personnel or something along those lines would probably be a more accurate title...like Belichick, clearly Rhule is the GM & Head Ball Coach.
  11. I tend to believe Tepper will deliver in grand fashion over the longhaul but 3-years* in your "same ol' Panthers" assessment is right on the money... ...17-31 in the Tepper era, 14-games under .500. *NOTE: He took control over the team in July of 2018 so not really fair to hang that season on him...but, he was the owner.
  12. Forest fires serve a purpose too. No amount of "science" will make it go away... ...nature has to take its course --- period.
  13. No can do... ...the Delta variant will hop onto and travel with a football in a New York minute
  14. How would they know "a fan" gave it to the player? Maybe it was the opposite?
  15. Forest fires serve a purpose too. No amount of "science" will make it go away... ...nature will take its course -- period.
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