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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Exactly 33.33% of the of the 75 respondents in this poll confirmed their hate for Matt Rhule... ...the poll is probably representative of the broader huddle population and anecdotally the daily torrent of vitriol hurled Rhule's way certainly underscores the supposition .
  2. I'm interested in learning about bonds from you, please do tell... ...what is/was Tepper's purported role?
  3. If true... Are you shooting now and taking names later? Or letting the process play out in court to see what the true facts are?
  4. Didn't Joe "Last to Know" Person and some perpetually stoned washed-up safety say Rhule had lost the locker-room? All #FakeNews... ...what a surprise! Thanks for the legit info musicman, hope you have a great season .
  5. So he was desperate? Worried he'd never get another look? All that said, I respect Fitterer but he's part and parcel to King Ghidora, the dominant beast in the Panthers biosphere...
  6. Amazing that Fitterer would choose to partner up with two giant ignoramuses like Tepp & Rhule... ...why do you figure he did so?
  7. This sure appears to constitute nothing more than a popularity contest... ...because Fitterer isn't making any decisions, at all, in a silo .
  8. As for Tepper... ...my interests lie with the truth, and right vs. wrong. There's so much fictional bullsh*t posted about Tepper and the team that someone needs to provide true facts and set the record straight, the responsibility seems to fall on my shoulders . I believe Tepper should pay for his own stadium and municipalities like Charloot & Rock Hill should decline to help him out -- that position and being a Tepper homer are mutually exclusive... ...think about it .
  9. Buddy you sure are right about the local media ... ...bizarre situation.
  10. Yeah in light of clear organizational dysfunction apparent to all, and a steady revolving door of sudden/unexplained departures across the organization... ...Luke's the one-and-only "nothing to see here" situation, yeah right .
  11. #FakeNews Rhule never said anything of the sort...
  12. Luke has been MIA from Panthers for well over a year (confirmed) including watching training camp from outside the hedges (confirmed) and games from the stands (confirmed)... ...but as you mention in that same year makes coaching/motivational appearances with Bills (confirmed) and the Redskins (confirmed)... ...then he's spotted at dinner with Rhule (confirmed) and voila... ...he's on the field chatting with ownership! Tip o' the cap to @ChapelHeel80 for the scoop... ...he could teach our local "reporters" a trick or two .
  13. Something, personal or otherwise, was off-kilter for sure...
  14. ...but Tepper: 1. Signed Eric Reid and allowed him to appear in a "I'm with Kaep" t-shirt at official Panthers functions. 2. Cancelled the CPI Security owner/deal in less than 24-hours. 3. Aligned the team with the Black Lives Matter organization. 4. Made Junteenth an official holiday for Panthers employees. 5. Allowed Panthers players to kneel on the sidelines during the National Anthem, at home and away. You really see him as a "low-key President Trump"...?!?
  15. This is GREAT news ! A while back some observant huddler saw Luke & Rhule huddled up in a booth at Leroy Fox, obviously it was an air clearing exercise and sure appears the hatchet has been buried !
  16. I can't see where anyone in the #704 who is credentialed and in possession of a microphone or pen has ANY sort of scoop or inside track on... ...ANYTHING . Literally just guessing wildly on a daily basis...
  17. Absolutely, makes perfect sense . Multiple long-tenured NFL reporters with real sources agree with you... ...including Jeff Schudel who is unquestionably the ax on the Browns . Browns ownership is also positioning to keep that door open ... https://www.news-herald.com/2022/03/26/browns-should-keep-mayfield-so-he-can-start-if-watson-is-suspended-jeff-schudel/amp/ https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2022/05/16/baker-mayfield-deshaun-watson-browns-rumors/
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