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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. As the inimitable Bill Parcels says... ...you are what your record says your are.
  2. I agree. That said, no way Rhule goes for it because of (i) the distraction factor and (ii) possible covid complications.
  3. TEXANS Last 10 Years: 6 AFC South wins...7 winning seasons...6 playoff berths, 4 playoff wins...4 back-to-back winnings seasons...winning record 3 of last 5 years. PANTHERS Last 10 Years: 3 NFC South wins (one w/ losing record )...3 winning seasons...4 playoff berths, 3 playoff wins...0 back-to-back winning seasons (ever)...losing record 4 of last 5 years.
  4. The rationalization gymnastics are fun to watch Alex was cast in a negative light in order to denigrate Teddy... ...now in a flip-flop John Kerry would be proud of Smith is held out as a beacon of light for Silver Platter Sam to follow to the promised land
  5. It is still possible to catch the common cold...
  6. I was under the impression it was "franchise QB" or bust?1? Alex Smith has certainly never been viewed as a "franchise QB" by huddle denizens...
  7. My experience has been most visitors either want to go home after 2 days, or figure out a way to move in, nothing in between!
  8. Less than a handful of Jets & Giants players actually live in NYC.... ...Sam lived over 30 miles away in small town NJ.
  9. Au contraire... ...that said, Sam never lived in "New York" but rather a bucolic part of New Jersey that's more akin to Belmont versus the "big city".
  10. Doesn't the NFL League Office have to approve all trades before they are final? I wonder if Goodell would even allow for a trade of Mr. Whip It Out before all the legal issues are disposed of?
  11. I still don't believe Mr. Whip It Out is even available for trade... ...this rumor has been ongoing the entire year --- and has ALWAYS proven to be false. Mr. Whip It Out's agent and QB coach playing the reporters like a fiddle...
  12. Sam is our starting qb learn to accept or go find another team to root for you dumbass piece of poo. Go pound sand you monstrous dolt...
  13. No chance. Butker entered the league via the practice squad... Slip&Slyed is a 32 game vet with the yips --- completely different animal.
  14. No chance. He's the exact opposite of Butker
  15. Nonsense. Simply speaking the truth with no sugarcoating... ...ice up son.
  16. Smitty is crushing Slye... ...sez he's "packing his bags and on the way out of town"...
  17. Understood. Seems like putting other players at especially key scoring positions under similar pressure might be a good thing...
  18. Competition is great at/for every position...
  19. I don't think so. I too prefer grass but as some previous comments highlighted certain turf providers have made massive strides in manufacturing a surface that is generally safe and really does closely mimic grass. Here's a video the Texas Rangers provided about the turf they put into their new stadium a year ago, it looks damn good:
  20. The question isn't is he coddled... ...the question is has an NFL player ever been more coddled? Answer: NO. It's pitiful really...
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