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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Tepper & Rhule are calling the shots... ...Fitter is simply an information gatherer. The Appaloosa Model produce the desired results -- be patient folks!
  2. I was under the impression "unvaccinated" and "dumbass" are mutually-inclusive conditions?
  3. He's on the 53-man roster and available to play. In fact, he's obligated to play if he wants to collect on the $150M++ of funds specified in his contract... ...I doubt the Texans want to pay him $30 million to stand around on the sidelines --- because make no mistake about it... ...he is an active member of the 53-man final roster. Let me put it another way, what team would stall for 9-months and then spring it on everyone they expect Mr. Whip It Out to play?!? Nobody but the Texans right?!?
  4. Texans fans are squarely behind Mr. Whip It Out because their only concern is winning!
  5. Reported to camp on time and been there every day... ...money is an incredibly strong catalyst for human behavior.
  6. Of course they can't make him play. They can however force him to make a decision on whether or not he wants to collect the monies involved in that massive $150M+ contract... ...everything in life involves tradeoffs -- no play, no pay. If he's so determined to never play for the Texans again why did he show up for camp?
  7. He's on the 53-man roster and available. In the NFL "plans" change daily if not hourly! If true the Texans should immediately name him the starter so they can then fill that 53rd roster spot with another player who is eligible and available.
  8. On exactly what do you base this promise? The League has taken no action whatsoever.
  9. On Tuesday (before 53 man rosters were final) the Mid-Day Dolts on WFNZ radio interviewed a guy named Randy Mueller. This man has 30 years of experience as an NFL exec including GM of Saints and Dolphins and in 2000 he was NFL Executive of the Year. His brother Rick also has about 2 decades of NFL executive experience. Randy seems to meet the criteria to qualify as an "expert". [EXECUTIVE SUMMARY at bottom] The show hosts said there were some rumors that Deshaun would be on the Texans 53-man active roster and then declared inactive on a weekly basis thereafter...this was Mueller's response: "Yeah, I think that's a tough one. I don't see how, and I've read all the reports as well, how a team can with any certainty at all offer what the Texans are asking for a player they may not get for another year or longer. Who knows how all this legal stuff is going to play out. I think from the Texans standpoint it is a smart move because if they have a roster spot for him and he's part of the 53, Deshaun Watson has to play to get paid. The League just doesn't work where you can show up and not play, you don't get that choice. So if he's on the active roster and expects to get his $10 or $12 million or whatever he has coming to him, he's gonna have to play for that. The League holds some directives with regards to this and I don't think Deshaun Watson is working from a position of strength like a lot of people are writing. From another team's standpoint I just don't see it. I mean if you're in Miami and it's rumored they've had some interest in him throughout the process how can you put your career on the line if you're the GM Chris Greer or Brian Flores and say "hey let's go do this let's give this for a what if"...? That seems pretty shaky ice for me and I just don't see it happening. I think the Texans have actually handled this as good as they can throughout this process and there's been different points when leverage goes to one side or the other but I think right now the Texans own some leverage in this deal and I'm fascinated by what they're going to do with him but if they're willing to put him on the 53 then Deshaun has to be willing to play, to get paid." One of the dumbass hosts then asks another long-winded/poorly-worded question which boiled down was "if a trade was made and Deshaun sits all of 2021 and part of 2022 are you worried about his skills diminishing"? Mueller's response: "Umm, that's a tough one. I think Deshaun Watson is a top-5 or 6 QB in the League but I also know his history with injury as well, he's not a big guy. So just the style of his play kind of gives me a little pause there. I think the Texans have set the price because they don't want to trade him. I don't think they're gonna trade him for a discount and I think they'd be crazy to. Therefor, that's just another reason why I don't think a trade is gonna happen. I'm not ready to sell my whole franchise, my whole soul, for Deshaun Watson at this point. [goes on with some more reasons why Miami won't do it and then concludes with...] I think the Texans are going to sit on this one and play it out, and I would too frankly." AUDIO LINK HERE: https://wfnz.com/category/shows/nick-wilson/ (scroll down and find Mueller interview on 8/31...Deshaun portion starts at about the 7:45 mark) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. No logical case can be made for another team giving up all the assets the Texans are rumored asking in return for Deshaun. 2. The Texans have set an outlandish price because they don't want to trade him. 3. If Deshaun wants to get paid this year he's going to have to play.
  10. Sure do. I'm in no way predicting the team will take this path but do wish they would. There's only one thing that's for certain in this deal -- every one of the "he'll be traded by" prognostications (expert and armchair alike) has been flat out wrong.
  11. He gives them the best chance to win. Absolutely. He better. Suspend him without pay.
  12. Name him the starter. Too bad...shouldn't have signed a legally binding contract obligating him to play for Houston.
  13. This exact same refrain has been has been spooned out by literally dozens of "reporters" since early this year... ...the only thing that's changed is now the 2022 draft has replaced the 2021 draft as far as timing for his "best chance" They should name Mr. Whip It Out the starter and force him to play if he wants to be paid.
  14. Seems like this is exactly how a team that doesn't want to trade their franchise QB would act...hmm.
  15. Seems similar to Silver Platter Sam in terms minimizing the bad... ...at least ol' Crab Legs has put up something to brag about on the good side of the ledger...
  16. Corey Miller said the same on WFNZ this week. Randy Mueller, previous winner of NFL Executive of the Year, also said the same in WFNZ this week. Teddy competed for and won the starting job in Denver... ...Silver Platter Sam had it handed to him. Gonna be real interesting to see how it plays out for both...
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