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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Happy to review and respond to any real info you would like to provide... [as opposed to the imaginary stuff you consistently barf up]
  2. He is. You are right, he does have complete control/authority. How he does or does not use it is situation dependent. It's all gonna work out...patience.
  3. Just count em up like all the rest...
  4. I have a hunch the total # of cases this year will exceed that of last year.
  5. I'm talking about NFL rules for their players.
  6. Has it been confirmed that he tested positive? The release I saw didn't specify if it was a + test or a tracing/close-contact issue.
  7. I'm simply pointing out most people are "going out and living life" as you mentioned in another post. FYI folks...there was zero in the way of security checks at Panthers Stadium on Saturday night. No wanding, no metal detectors, no take your hats off...nothing. BYOB!
  8. If he is only on the list because of a "close-contact/tracing" issue and doesn't test positive he will still get back. If he tested positive his chances of getting back are pretty close to 0% regardless of his vaxx status. Zack Martin for the Cowboys is one to watch -- fully vaxx'd and tested positive...let's see how long he's out.
  9. Assuming Ole Miss fills up the stadium in Atlanta tonight 857,443 fans will have attended SEC football games during opening week...
  10. This will be interesting to watch. Over the course of the season on an absolute basis I'd expect the games missed by vaxx'd players to dwarf those of the un-vaxxed...obviously this is a function of high vaccination rates among most NFL teams. For example, it's a certainty the Falcons & Bucs will have players miss games during the season but the un-vaxx'd games-lost count will never move off zero (0) because all are vaxxed. I'm sure the NFL and NFLPA will track it closely and see what the games-lost counts look like on a % basis for the two camps -- will be interesting to see if they release those figures. @Zack Martin
  11. Covid protocols/rules are in place for all players -- vaxx status just determines which set of rules one is subject to. I fully expect the NFL to modify the rules to become more strict on the vaxx'd players... ...for example, un-vaxx'd have to isolate for 5-days and continuously test negative if they are deemed to have been in "close contact" -- vaxx'd players are under no restrictions even if tracing determines they were in "close contact"... ...I expect that loophole will be closed as it becomes clear "close contact" is a big risk regardless of vaxx status. Falcons & Bucs have both announced a 100% vaxx rate, will be interesting to see how they fare vs. others. Bucs just got Ndamukong Suh back off the list which he's been on since August 28th (10-days)....3 other Bucs players went on the list the same week as Suh. Way back on August 8th Lane Kiffin announced that the Ole Miss football program was 100% vaxx'd but he's going to miss their season opener against Louisville tonight because he tested positive...will be interesting to see if it spreads within that program.
  12. Was just reading up on this...will be an interesting one to watch. As a vaccinated player he's eligible to come back after 5 days as long as he is symptom free for 48-hrs and produces 2 negative tests 24-hrs apart. He tested positive on Saturday so in theory his 5-days would end sometime Thursday before the 8.20pm kickoff... ...seems unlikely but those are the rules/requirements. Tom Brady said he and both his parents had it earlier this year.
  13. Any insiders know if he he tested positive or is it a contact tracing issue? If a person does catch the covid bug how long does it take until the are through it and produce a clean test?
  14. Trust me when I tell you it's highly efficient and effective Good times are a comin'...patience will be rewarded!!
  15. unless the guys name is Rhule, Tepper, or Fitterer, his opinion is no more fact than that of the guy who fills the slurpee machine at the 7-11 Darin Gantt is a paid spokesperson for the Carolina Panthers... ...there is zero chance they would ever allow him to put something into print that isn't factual and spot on. That's a FACT, JACK!
  16. I was under the impression "unvaccinated" and "dumbass" were mutually-inclusive conditions?
  17. He's been at practice every day. Granted, he's not participating fully but he's showed up and is on campus -- must need the money.
  18. Fitterer is a bag toter for Tepper & Rhule... ...that's a fact.
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