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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. I'd love to hear more about how you would get 70K to all start chanting at the same time. Organize... ...you have the manpower & the bandwidth & the audience... ...stop whining and get busy! I mean you can arrange a London trip for 250+ people but can figure out how to get a 2-party chant going? Come on dude...
  2. Exactly. Stop whining and sack up @RoaringRiot... ...you're in a position to influence behaviour --- use your power accordingly
  3. No he's not... ...hasn't been in the role since 2012.
  4. Clearly that was a major f*ckup on Rivera's part!! 69-for-70 (98.6%) inside 50yds...and 10-for-13 (76.9%) from 50yds+...all over last 48 games... ...that's not good enough for you?
  5. Tepper doesn't own the #KeepPounding chant... ...fans need to rise up and take control of the situation!
  6. In his last 18 games he's 36-for-37 (97.3%) including 6-for-7 from 50yds+. In his last 46 games he's 79-for-83 (95.2%) including 10-for-13 from 50yds+. In his last 46 games he's 69-for-70 (98.6%) from inside 50yds. That one miss was in 2018 and was on a kick from somewhere between 30-39yds -- do you remember it?
  7. Is CMC overpaid because he only played 3 games last year? There's a reason the highest paid kickers are the highest paid kickers.
  8. Highest a scoring position in the field should be "worth" a lot...
  9. That's actually the most probable explanation. Completely illogical. Incremental revenues wouldn't even amount to lost change under the car seat for him
  10. I went to Harris-Teeter last night and there were new signs on the doors saying Teeter will now close at 9pm every night vs. the long-standing 11pm traditional close. Food service businesses of all kinds and everywhere are having serious staffing issues. Can't get a sandwich at Pasta & Provisions after 3pm anymore... ...it's not a Tepper thing. WGAF? Ditto.
  11. This is very untrue. So he's deep in the weeds on game-day ops but completely removed from personnel decisions... ...got it.
  12. What were they? I was on an airplane at game time so wasn't able to watch but did hear there were lots of empty seats -- is this accurate? If attendance was way down what's the suspected reason/s why? Chiefs-Browns was standing room only... UGa vs. Clemson at Panthers Stadium was also SRO.
  13. Tepper hires expert/seasoned football operations people to make those decisions, he's not involved.
  14. I'm not claiming anything... ...just get a hearty out of you droning on with your dictionary in hand so just spurring you on... ...carry on
  15. True dat... ...perfect example of correlation = causation.
  16. Yet the collective "opinion" of the "market" has an amazing ability to accurately signal the outcome.
  17. So your saying the refs would have given Cam a higher level of protection than Wilson? Exactly. Whatever's convenient...
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