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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Another bald faced lie from you! (actually, several) Who am I today? Sanjay? Chuck? Hearing other voices today?
  2. Fair point...I was wrong I was calling from memory and confused with the games when Cam was here (3-4). Hey, have you e-v-e-r admitted to being wrong on this site?
  3. Since 1995: 13 winning seasons. 17 playoff games. (both almost double Panthers) 7 back-to-back winning seasons vs. 0. Not "relevant"....hmm.
  4. Yeah but you can damn sure choose to shut them down... ...look no further than Aaron Rodgers for an example of such -- a leader of men who many would be well suited to follow and pattern themselves after... ...A-aron ain't going broke.
  5. This is in no way unique to Henderson... ...in fact, it's the primary reason such a massive number of NFL & NBA players go broke. Easy solution --- as the inimitable Nancy Reagan said...."Just Say No".
  6. Not enough to support a retinue of "moochers"... So how far is far enough to where the "moochers" (i) are at arms-length and (ii) it's too far for the "moochers" to pick up and move with him? Probably needs to go to Texas or West Coast don't you think? Those "moochers" are pesky!
  7. It was still amateur football at the time. This is a bizarre line of thinking/excuse-making... ...what's the magic number in terms of hours driving in order to get away from the "moochers"?
  8. The difference is Eli never signed a contract with the Chargers.
  9. Good catch. Last time I looked the info on what brand of turf the Panthers used had not been released... ...pretty interesting reading on their website -- lots of studies and all seem to show FieldTurf provides reduced levels of injury vs. natural grass -- the Appaloosa Model at work: https://fieldturf.com/en/why-fieldturf/proven-safety/
  10. I too would prefer natural grass but "turf" has come a long, long way and the best surfaces offer excellent and safe playing conditions day-in, day-out. Here's a great video about the surface put in by the Texas Rangers... ...I'd have to believe the football people Tepper put in control of this decision selected a system equal to or better than what the Rangers installed. Maybe @Carolina Panthers can confirm what was chosen?
  11. GREAT news if accurate... ..."less than grade-1" would imply he misses only 1-week, 2 tops. Hopefully this is the case...
  12. Rhule really has been awesome. At age 46 how many GM's are actually younger?
  13. If you look up Game Manager in the dictionary there's a picture of Baker Mayfield next to it. Is that bad?
  14. He really was at a crossroads and facing the real chance of taking a wrong turn... ...yet he made good choices and prevailed -- good onya Sam.
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