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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. I’m told that in commercial real estate circles this pretty much constitutes a guarantee of do whatever it takes to get the deal done, period. If you read the York Co. suit it’s perfectly clear the City of Rock Hill’s “efforts” were in no way “reasonable” and certainly weren’t anything close to their “best”. You can read it here if you like: https://www.fox46.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/109/2022/06/YORK-TEPPER-LAWSUIT.pdf
  2. What are you even talking about? Do you have an definitive opinion on the subject or are you just a wannabe tossing popcorn from the stands…
  3. Link to York Co. legal-doc for anyone who might be interested: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:504b366a-ab8b-33d0-8def-03f0cacdd9d7#pageNum=1 Interestingly GT Real Estate Holdings, the entity incorporated in Delaware to be the LLP for the Rock Hill project, is not named as a defendant. This is an end-run by York Co. in an attempt to attach to other Tepper assets outside of GT R/E Holdings. There are some who expect the Tepper related portions to be tossed immediately… …but if there one certainty about the SC courts, it’s that a lot of funny business goes on .
  4. Bingo . Give the guy credit though, does have a singular focus that is amazing, reminiscent of Raymond Babbit . York Co. did accuse Tepper of some things, but submarining the project isn’t one of them. In fact York Co. makes a point to show on multiple occasions Tepper & Co. went out of their way pivot and try to keep the project on the rails…but the City of Rock Hill blew it. York Co. is laying the derailment of the project at the feet of the City of Rock Hill… …the only reason the Tepper related parties are named is they are seen as politically convenient deep pockets to fleece, will be interesting to see how the 16th Judicial Circuit Court of SC reacts … Anyone notice who didn’t get sued?
  5. I think the City of Rock Hill is the sole party responsible for the demise of the project . Anyone notice who didn’t get sued?
  6. It sure does. Clearly you are ignoring the entire 22-page suit filed by York Co. It is perfectly clear that York Co. and GT Real Estate Holdings partnered up and repeatedly attempted to save City of Rock Hill from itself…but city pol’s proved to be too obstinate and foolishly blew the whole thing up.
  7. All-day every-day The Delaware Court of Chancery adjudicates disputes WAY more complex and larger in scale than this little kerfuffle you're using to smear Tepper -- this one will be child's play for The Court and all responsible parties will be held accountable. Yes they will. That's how The Delaware Court of Chancery works .
  8. Are those 2 official representatives of you Carolina Panthers?
  9. Where did you read this? The bonds in question were to be supported by various tax revenues from the City of Rock Hill...in no way do they hing on "the project". As such, the "details on the project" aren't of concern to investors -- only the predictability/probability of the stream of tax-revenues in question.
  10. So you think Tepper should be on the hook for paying back municipal bonds issued by the City of Rock Hill? It's not relevant to the issuance of the muni bonds in question. That said, what "information" are you alleging was withheld?
  11. Could you be more vague? Apparently not, this is even more vague . I'm not freaking about anything, simply interested to hear your rationale for the unending stream of outlandish positions you foment. Nonsense. I was against Tepper receiving public funds for this project, and am against the moronic Charloot City Council giving him any of our benjamins... ...got that? You are absolutely "willing to go there", and have repeatedly done so... ...think about it .
  12. And what was that "level of risk and burden", specifically?
  13. True statement...reminds me of that broken clock that's right twice per day. Sure you can. The intricacies of this sort of project are simple child's play for Tepper. For Rock Hill pol's it is highly complex and clearly WAY above their pay grade. York County exec's seem a bit more sophisticated than the Rock Hillians but still challenged by the material. They will, and soon. Tepper put the project into bankruptcy for this exact reason -- let's all get in front of a judge and see who is right, and who is wrong. If it were a horse race who would you bet on?
  14. @musicman who is a true insider says the players and coaches are simpatico, having fun, and working well together... ...put another way, we have a healthy and functional locker-room . This alone gives the Panthers a headstart on 50-70% of the league .
  15. Follow the money... ...or shall we say, lack thereof .
  16. Only the issuer would be holding the bag. Not like voters ever hold anyone accountable for past bond projects though. Exactly. Whether or not the "project" has "the impact to the area" the grandstanding politicians suggested it would is of z-e-r-o consequence and has z-e-r-o impact on the obligation to meet each and every bond-payment over the course of time. These were not revenue-bonds tied to the project at hand, these bonds were meant to be paid out of various tax-streams of the City of Rock Hill. In fact, SC Senator Dick Harpootlian hired an economist to vet the economic impact claims made by the knothead Rock Hill pol's and her analysis completely shot down said claims -- yet the Rock Hill pol's charged headlong into the deal anyway . "Harpootlian said he hired Rebecca Gunnlaugsson, the S.C. Department of Commerce’s former chief economist and now an analyst with a conservative think tank, to review the Commerce Department’s analysis of the Panthers deal. The department found the project’s total economic impact — including state revenue, private economic investment and jobs created — would reach $3.8 billion within 15 years. n her analysis, Gunnlaugsson estimates the Commerce Department’s projected economic impact is overstated by nearly $2.7 billion, relying on assumptions all 150 Panthers players, coaches, staff and owners will move to South Carolina. Gunnlaugsson said the move actually will create only 208 jobs, instead of the 5,715 promised." https://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/article229073114.html
  17. Actually, he can... The moronic Charloot City Council are sheep waiting to be shorn... ...they are devoid of any ability to "negotiate" .
  18. "accusations" and $5.14 will get you a vente mocha at Starbucks. Nonsense. It was Rock Hill's responsibility to float the bonds. Surely you are kidding . Less than a handful of investors globally are as well-versed in the credit markets as Tepper. Why do you think this? The bonds in question are in no way tied to revenues from the Panthers facility -- they are strictly the obligation of Rock Hill. Here's an accurate quote from Will Folks of FitsNews: "According to my sources, Rock Hill is “over-leveraged” and simply unable to issue this debt – at least not without having to settle for junk bond rates. In fact, even after the total obligation for the project was reportedly cut nearly in half – to $135 million – the city still couldn’t get the financing for the bonds at a competitive rate." https://www.fitsnews.com/2021/05/14/carolina-panthers-deal-rock-hill-sc-is-coming-up-short/
  19. Why would Tepper ever submarine the bond issue? What does he stand to gain by doing so? If you have info implicating Tepper put it out there pal...
  20. Standard operating procedure for Carnac... ...literally fabricates statements and attributes them to others as fact .
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