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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. There's a 10th grader over at Hough High School who is 11-for-11 on FG's and 24-for-25 on PAT's. Boots his kickoffs through the end-zone and has hit from 58 in practice... ...maybe they could sneak him into Panthers Stadium when nobody is looking
  2. Rhule really is doing an amazing job...it's awesome
  3. The Jacksonville in question isn't the one in Eastern, NC...
  4. No chance he definitely goes "on the record", about anything, ever...
  5. Purely speculation but I can envision a scenario where Vermillion wasn't a target per se but his name came up in the course of an investigation for, let's say, steriods/PED's... ...naturally they'd go search his house to see if he had any if the product in question and a logical extension of that search would be his office place...especially given the nature of his "clientele". If this scenario has any traction some players are probably kinda nervous... Cool. (not familiar with "courtlistener"...)
  6. Team press release says "unrelated to the team"... ...would seem to rule out "monetizing team assets". Do the WFT have a big locker full of pain killers nobody there is keeping track of?
  7. There was too much good in the first half to just ignore it and only focus on the negatives. Unfortunately there are 2 halves but this is a marathon and this game will serve as a great learning experience... I'm traveling and was unable to access the Panthers radio stream so listened to the Cowboys broadcast... ...trust me, they were taken aback in the first half. My favorite quote was "well we need to get this 1st down and not give to back to the Panthers because apparently they score at will"... (14-13 at the time) As "some of us" have been saying for a while... ...patience folks, The Appaloosa Model will deliver
  8. Who else is in your "us" crew? Would be good to know who to pay attention to... Cheers.
  9. Unless they are one in the same... ...as is the case with Rhule.
  10. Probably $4 or $5 million more out there nobody knew about... ...shoot, he's set for life.
  11. I think they just updated it... ...looks to be under $1.5M. Take out taxes, fees he may owe an agent, etc...will be lucky if he has $900k in the bank. Not bad for 35 games and 73 attempts but he's gonna have to find work at some point -- maybe he gets another NFL shot. Looks like he did OK at Houston wonder why they cut ties so quickly?
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