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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. We know that Tepper has big b@lls. He'll push for us to start Watson if we get him. According to one with "insider" access... ...this is not Tepper's call and he's at home twiddling his thumbs and waiting for the outcome just like the rest of us.
  2. Hear ya. Over the course of the season seems likely the vaxx'd population of NFL players will have more trouble w/ Covid for the reasons you mention... ...namely, they are not subject to "doing things right to avoid infection".
  3. If they had any interest in that strategy would have retained TB5 after last year... Non-starter with this crew.
  4. Who do you think fired Rivera? No quite sure but some guy with 590,000 posts on this site insists Mr. David A. Tepper has zero input and leaves that sort of thing exclusively to the "football people"... I assumed given the post count hitherto unknown to the people of this area but destined to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology... ...the guy knows what he's talking about... ...possibly I am wrong?
  5. Exact same was true 2 years ago. Exact same was true 2 years ago. Going forward, good question. In hindsight, lots... If he plays again will be for the Texans. You finally nailed one.
  6. No way in hell Tepper is giving Rhule a 3rd free agent QB project. According to some... ...that's not Tepper's call.
  7. The tone & tenor among certain local area press, press whose previous support could be described as blind & unequivocal, has pivoted dramatically... ...Silver Platter Sam is in trouble.
  8. Will be interesting to watch Brady work riding an exercise bike on the sidelines into the game-day game-plan...
  9. The players want them too... ...in return for their cash compensation.
  10. Doesn't matter. Unlikely. Did CMC go in the record and play the Thursday Card as the reason for his lack of availability?
  11. All the prevailing terms & conditions were collectively bargained between the players and the owners. If the players never want to play another Thursday game they should make that a non-negotiable point next time they are at the bargaining table... ...but for now the die is cast.
  12. I like the idea of backups playing a Thursday night game. As the Panthers have seen the past few seasons, one Thursday night debacle can RUIN AN ENTIRE SEASON. This is where the League Office would step in and take a very hard line... ...those are featured games and the idea is a non-starter for all involved parties. The owners & Goodell are not going to the NFL slide down the same sh*t covered slope the NBA has gone down...
  13. Not only is that not an option... ...the players don't want it as they like getting paid.
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