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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Shaq unequivocally said "we are rocking with PJ this week"... They'd be crazy to throw Cam in on Sunday.
  2. None of that counts... ...players under contract are the divining rod. PS...Mr. Whip-It-Out was never available but if they did pass on him 5-times they made 5 excellent decisions.
  3. Wrong Im an CIA expert in body language and speech patterns, Shaq clearly hates Cam. Not sure if you're joking but there was a report in the past by Booger McFarland who said "people I talk to in Carolina tell me Cam's not a leader and not well liked by a lot of his teammates." It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out... ...and ends. The current administration is 0-3 on managing QB situations to a positive outcome -- will this one be different?
  4. I don't think so... ...and do believe the piss-poor line/protection was a direct contributor to Cam's ability to negotiate a very healthy pay-package which is intended to compensate him for the risks involved in playing behind said line.
  5. The entire premise from day-1 of training camp is "win now"... ...thinking any other way is a loser's mentality.
  6. Tepper doesn't care if the team makes money... ...it's a hobby for him... ...he's in it for the wins -- that's how score is kept in this hobby, wins & losses.
  7. Nothing has changed... ...Tepper has been a party to major decisions all along... ...it's the Appaloosa Way. Rhule is fine.
  8. Bobcats win % = 46.2%... ...Panthers = 44.4%...
  9. Distraction outweighs talent/contribution. Distraction outweighs talent/contribution. Distraction outweighs talent/contribution. Not the 1st QB in this bucket in recent times.... OBJ headed down same path...exited by 2 teams -- too big of a distraction, regardless of ability.
  10. The guy with 471,388 posts said the "insiders" said the Appaloosa Model was not allowed to be implemented... ...what gives?
  11. You've certainly done your part, good onya mate. Curious, did the Panthers buy you out at the stated equivalent PSL price on their website...?? (which would be a lot more than the open market price)
  12. Amazing that the Bobcats are still in business!
  13. No chance...he doesn't have the money either...and is/was already way too old. Howard Levine was the best and most viable option of the local/minority partners Richardson had... ...in reality it was always a 1-horse race --- all the pageantry and "visits" (think Kestenbaum) were just that, for show --- the race was over before it ever started and Tepper was the only horse.
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