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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. If he does show out and the offense clicks are you going to cancel your "Sunday plans" and come running back?
  2. So what are the expectations on "NDA's"... ...should ladies who have accepted a large cash-payments in lieu of signing an "NDA" and agreed to keep their mouth shut... ...be required to live up to the legally binding agreement they committed to? Or not?
  3. Has anyone put their where their mouth is and made a punt yet?
  4. Is a permanent ban in the set of possible outcomes ? As it stands today, obviously that's not being discussed... ...but how much more bad stuff has to come out before that lede is published?
  5. Those 4 definitely have extra leverage now and will extract more . The other problem faces is how many of the other 40+ who haven't stepped up so far might now think "hmm he whipped it out on me too, think I'll get in line to collect my fair share" ... ...this is still a long way from being over. Remember when everyone thought it was completely inappropriate for Jerry Richardson to be allowed to "hide" behind NDA's...
  6. yup her and that Nat007 girl just throw poo to the wall and see what sticks. They are not alone... ..."local" no-sources crowd is thick .
  7. Would Jimmy G. also be a candidate to "save (Rhule's) job"...?!?
  8. Still wouldn't make the top-10 longest playoff droughts in NFL history...
  9. Mr. Whip-It-Out may never play again... ...Browns would be crazy to exit Baker and ownership is already on record mending fences . (Note: For the triggered, this is simply an opinion, NOT a "prediction" )
  10. The cockroach axiom is now in play... ...they just keep showing up... ...forever is now in the cards . Sad really...
  11. Tepper's not involved... ...he leaves it to the "football people"... ...just ask the guy with 602,444 posts on this site
  12. Corey Miller long-time NFL linebacker on WFNZ today saying hell yeah he's an upgrade bring it on... ...Corey knows .
  13. "Rhule" never said anything of the sort... ...why are you laying this bullsh*t supposition of yours at Matt's feet? Get a grip pal...
  14. Curious about who they were? Named Sanjay snd Chuck by any chance? All joking aside, were they paid professionals who are credentialed on Sundays? Joe "Last to Know" Person in da house !!
  15. Is there any sort of specific/announced criteria used to effect the rankings?
  16. Why in the world would he consider playing for a team that has both the worst Head Ball Coach and single worst Owner in the entire NFL League? Guy has to be desperate, must be broke and suck too...
  17. KISS if you will, history would indicate they should have left it there with Ace Boogie …
  18. Baker > TB5 > Silver Platter Sam… …where is Winnin’ Jimmy-G in the stack ranking?
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