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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Props to Pot Roast... Belichick would cut a player or two, send a message... ...Rhule would do well to emulate the best that ever lived.
  2. ^^^^ What a gigantic pile of steaming bovine dung that nonsense is...
  3. It's either healed, it it's not. I'm not a buyer of this "sit out the season" bullshit and his presence could make the difference in a playoff berth or not. Charles Johnson recently went on WFNZ and dumped all over the "sit out" narrative...said the players aren't down with it and teammates will think less of a guy who takes that route.
  4. Agreed! My sense is folks in all walks of life, including me, are very happy for Cam and excited to see him do well... ...but that doesn't mean he can't be evaluated like any other NFL player and if warranted, criticized... ...and that's OK. (ex. the nut huggers that is)
  5. With the current administration: Cam 1.0 = ended badly. TB5 = ended badly. Silver Platter Sam = ended badly. Cam 2.0 = to be determined? If this one ends badly gonna get reaaaaaal interesting...
  6. Screw that, if he's ready get his ass in there. Has Silver Platter Sam been seen any time recently?
  7. Buffalo ain't sh*t at this point...
  8. Meanwhile Harrison Butker has missed 2 FG's and a PAT in last 2 games...
  9. It was certainly considered a GIGANTIC "knock" on TB5... ...now it's no big deal?
  10. Whadya know he didn't throw it past the the first down line...
  11. Both QB's playing well... Cam RTG = 126.5 Taylor RTG = 150.3
  12. You have to take everything out of your pockets ...they wand you and if they find you with it, you will not be allowed in the stadium. IIRC, I think the PSL owner for that seat could be in trouble. Big risk to try it. My last 2 forays into the stadium (UGa vs. Clemson and Stones) have included a grand total of exactly zero security in terms of wanding/searching, etc...a fat broad could have brought in a half-gallon of James Beam under her skirt no questions asked ... This ain't The Masters, NFW a "PSL holder" would be "in trouble" if a person was caught with a few mini-bottles...LOL Bring your mini's, if there's any sort of searching going on you'll be able to see it LONG before you get to the front of the line...cannonball those bitches while you wait!
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