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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Did they set the NFL record for most consecutive running plays in a game?
  2. I had it on in the background but wasn't paying much attention and just saw your post so checked the box score... ...truly mindblowing Guess it wasn't all-Brady after all
  3. That's verge's Twitter account. ...and the question remains...
  4. No idea on the exact specifics of the scenario but have a strong hunch we will see Silver Platter Sam under center for your Carolina Panthers again this season...
  5. Wonder if Cam regrets coming back? Hell at this point Silver Platter Sam, while healthy, would probably prefer to sit out the rest of the season!
  6. Wrong. The guy with 438,621 posts insists that Tepper leaves all of this to the "football people"... ...period. [PS. He knows a lot of folks who know "insiders" and they fill him in so he should know the truth.]
  7. Same as it is with every other team in the NFL. The "football people"....?
  8. You think he'd hire the correct hiring people?
  9. Welcome back Trigger ... ...you haven't lost a step
  10. Will Silver Platter Sam be allowed to come back and compete for the job? I'm told he's healthy and ready to roll...
  11. Well, if Rhule is fired gird up your loins... ...because Tepper is the sole owner, the richest NFL owner, and he's gonna start himself in the control postion...and that will never change... ...but he'll get it right, count on it
  12. Silver Platter Sam is healed up -- shoulder is completely healthy -- and he's ready to GO... ...will be interesting to see how the team plays this hand.
  13. Not at all... ...those would be private flights, would be able to originate at almost any airfield close to where the coach in question was located.
  14. Retaining both with dramatic change in power/responsibilities is certainly a possibility... ...but make no mistake about it, after all the bed shatting by the "football people", going forward there's only one person will have "full control" over anything and that Mr. David Alan Tepper -- Owner. As a complete aside, after a lengthy absence someone is back with an absolute vengeance, 183 posts in 2 days... ...ladies and gentlemen that's how you run it up to a quarter-million comments real fast! Well done
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