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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. You won't see the irony here, but trust me when I say a lot of people will. You roll on with Tre "Super Dolt" Boston and see where that gets you good buddy
  2. Depends on just how stupid he is. You have made it clear you believe Mr. Tepper represents the ultimate in stupidity... ...why not just cut ties now?
  3. Retired college coach was always a douchebag before and he came back to do it again under sizzlebuzz You are a stone-cold liar who has voices in his head... ...either prove it or STFU.
  4. SizzleBuzz is one hundred percent retired college coach. He has all the signs right down to the constant name calling and none of the broken English that Sanjay had. They're both morons though Complete B.S.... ...either prove it or STFU. What year did you graduate from UNC? Or are you just a "fan"?
  5. You've got the wrong person budrow... ...cut it out.
  6. There's not a bigger dolt out there....
  7. If you think Mr. Tepper is ever going to cede control, you're deluded... How much losing are you willing to endure before packing it in? Do yourself a favor and bolt now...don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
  8. SizzleBuzz is one hundred percent retired college coach. He has all the signs right down to the constant name calling and none of the broken English that Sanjay had. They're both morons though "...paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep..." Boys, the voices in your heads are leading you astray
  9. Tepper's not going anywhere... ...what's your motivation for sticking around?
  10. Woah, you have resolutely maintained Tepper doesn't meddle and leaves decisions to the "football people"... ...are you backtracking on that position? Time for you to find another team --- with a little luck the new-team site admin might agree to transfer your 421,863 posts to the new site
  11. No idea what you are what you are talking about...you have the wrong person. Stick it in your earhole pal...
  12. Sale was finalized July 9, 2018 only 2 weeks before training camp -- that season does not accrue to his ledger. I was off by 1yr but still we are zero-outs in the bottom of the 1st inning and Mr. Tepper took control in the most abnormal of times, WAY too early to pass judgment -- slow your roll pal. Absolutely nobody ever gets it right 100% of the time...your expectations are entirely unrealistic and indicative of one who doesn't understand anything at all about the business of business. Prepare yourself to be disappointed. As per the lede of this thread you should probably abandon ship and find another team. It is clear you have no faith in the Appaloosa Model and are completely unwilling to give Tepper the benefit of the doubt on anything -- cut your losses and move on pal, do yourself the favor now...
  13. At this point the game moves way too fast for Cam... ...sad, but true.
  14. It hasn't even been 2 seasons... ...slow your roll pal.
  15. Green-field site. (good) Super-fund site. (bad) WAY too early -- slow your roll or find another team pal because Mr. Tepper ain't going anywhere no matter how much you bitch, moan & whine
  16. Richardson had 1-winning record in the first 8-seasons... It's WAY too early to pass judgement on Tepper -- the histrionics demonstrate a complete lack of understanding about what is required in a corporate turnaround of a complex business of this nature -- slow your roll pal.
  17. Prior to Tepper's arrival over the course of 25 years the Panthers only had a "winning season" slightly more than 1 in every 4 years... ...this is the norm -- why so much whining now?
  18. Relax, he's not meddling... ...the guy with 461,788 posts has repeatedly assured us that his "insider" sources have guaranteed him that Tepper leaves these decisions to "the football people "...
  19. Is anyone surprised? What's total count and then vaxx'd vs. unvaxx'd sub-totals? Good to see the NFL, NBA and NHL all soldiering on... ...well done.
  20. Clausen -- a respectful, well-mannered and intelligent gentleman....thanks for the compliment. So what's the expected time frame for you to jack up 80 no-opinion posts...1 day? Less?
  21. Hey good to see you back at full-strength and rip-roaring ahead...the Steph Curry of this board, setting records that will never even be approached much less broken
  22. Yaaay! Let's emulate the Jacksonville Jaguars!!
  23. Awful take. Panthers are in top-5 of NFL teams in terms of vaxx rate %... ...zero chance they will have to forfeit a game. (in fact, 0.00% chance any NFL team will have to do so this season, write it down)
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