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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. I don't.........if its not free then I don't spend a dime on ball sports..... Jets-Giants Stadium was 100% privately funded.
  2. Only of the City Council you elected allows it to happen. I have a hunch there is actually an outside chance this may be the one-and-only issue on which this Council actually ends up in the right place... ...hopefully this will be the first time I'm ever right (according to the guy with 428,294 posts )!! That said the Mayor has demonstrated incredibly poor judgement and is clearly open to being "influenced" so who knows:
  3. Exactly... This bump in the road is nothing compared to what certain other franchises have endured --- real fans never invoke "I'm done" . #jets #browns #lions
  4. Will never, ever happen. Agreed. Highest & best use for that land definitely isn't a football stadium... ...this land will be developed in mixed-use fashion with a myriad commercial projects that over many decades will literally generate a multi-billion dollar income stream for the CP&F families that currently constitute ownership
  5. That was what Tre Boston said then but his present opinion may be somewhat different. Just saying...... No sh*t Sherlock...
  6. Right into default mode. Same thing you said all off-season and what happened? Every single thing I predicted came true. So anytime you want to compare how high the “bar” is for either of our knowledge, we can do that. How many years you want to go back? I make a motion that we start with 3-years !!! Do we have a 2nd?
  7. I can see where a "used car salesman" could get on over on Tre Boston, fair point...
  8. Why would anyone care what Tre Boston thinks or has to say?
  9. How does "I'm done" manifest itself in daily life? Delete your Huddle account and throw away all your Panthers gear? Relinquish your PSL's regardless of cost? Refuse to go to any more games and decline to support both the TV & radio broadcasts? Pick another team and join their fan-site and start supporting them? Completely eliminate the NFL from your life? If even 1-in-100 of those who declare "I'm done" really are done, I'd be very surprised... ...ye doth protest too much
  10. Sounds like Samir Suleiman has his hands full!! Good thing Rhule put a top bloke like Samir on the payroll...
  11. Were a house-cleaning to be undertaken why would Fitterer be spared? Rhule picked Fitterer... ...and purportedly Rhule can't pick a 5-footer out of a lineup of 6-footers
  12. SBIII, George Hanson.. Got booted multiple times for racist poo. Retired College Coach, Sanjay, Chuck, SBIII, George Hanson... ...who else is hearing whispers inside their head?
  13. Remembered another one, you also said "Chuck"... ..which one is whispering to you in your head right now? As an aside, what kind of "football expertise" do you remember me trotting out there?
  14. Someone doesn’t understand how things work Exactly. That's why this team will never move... FTR: On 11/9 the Panthers PSL re-sale site had 648 listing representing 1,648 seats... ...today the numbers are 605 listings and 1,490 seats. NOTE: Cam was signed on 11/11.
  15. I imagine I'll still be here through at least your next six screen names. Big hat, no cattle... ...nobody posts more, and says less -- you take the trophy on both!
  16. See now you're just incriminating yourself, because this is how you acted before when people figured you out. Complete horse-hockey... ...prove it It's hard to keep track of all the different names you have made accusations on: Sanjay, now "coach" something or other, what else?
  17. So you are willing to endure more losing? How much more?
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