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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. So what? Is there a hard deadline on "bumping threads"? If so, what is it? Are you stalking me? Seems odd you'd reply in under 10 seconds...
  2. @Mr. Scot my earlier "believe" question was driven by my belief that "time with family and friends" absolutely was not the driver of Luke's departure from the scouting/staff functions he had... ...but rather, an early indication of dysfunction inside Rhule's organization. (as pointed out at the time) Cannot remember the name of the other guy/coach who had been with Rhule for 10+ years and departed with no legit explanation but do seem to remember some "internal friction" speculation that seems analogous to some of the info presented about Rhule in the reddit thread... ...point being, were Luke and un-named Coach actually canary's in the coal mine and signalling some serious dysfunction internally? Post-Script: As per the other now-locked thread, that Luke would (a) watch camp from outside the hedges and (b) watch a game from the cheap seats in the stands sends a clear signal that he's either (c) not welcome, or (d) has z-e-r-o interest in being associated with the current administration. Your thoughts?
  3. If the staff barred Luke fuging Keuchly from the practice field, I've got big problems with that.
  4. They are supporting him publicly. The official team website and twitter account have put out multiple media feeds that clearly indicate Rhule has Tepper's support.
  5. What's your personal opinion? Do you personally "hate" Matt Rhule more than any other individual who has ever collected a paycheck from the (not your) Carolina Panthers? What say ye?
  6. 100% disagree. @Zod (Igo?) is this the case? If you ever had "access" has it changed one way or another? Prime opportunity to get "local press" on the record!!
  7. Locally "we" were stuck on z-e-r-o "candid takes" before Tepper's arrival... ...and this remains the case.
  8. BINGO!! Most ineffective and worthless "local media" group I have ever seen/heard...
  9. I simply relayed what Joe Person said, made no "statement" whatsoever. You have me confused with someone else.
  10. They are equally bad... ...both look like complete clowns -- at best!
  11. Cam's a professional, and a cynical person might suggest he's simply hedging his bets. I didn't see/hear it though so have no thought.
  12. 1. Was it a joke? Ok my bad. 2. Are all heads of hair are in-bounds for joking -- or only certain ones? Either way suits me...
  13. Cam went out of his way -- unsolicited -- to speak well of Rhule and say he wanted to play in CLT again next year & be part of the solution...
  14. Yeah but you and all the rest of the "I'm gone" crowd would have quit on Coach Flores (calling for his ouster) and the Dolphins loooooong before the mid-point of the current season... PS: What evidence is there that the players have quit on Matt Rhule? Robby's actions would seem to indicate the opposite...
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