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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. I've not defended anything... ...simply interested in what Tepper could say to make you happy? (other than firing Rhule that is)
  2. Seriously... ...what, do, you, want, Tepper, to, say? You get to write the script for him, how does it read?
  3. It is an incredibly interesting psychosocial phenomena to observe...wow
  4. What were your expectations when you hit send? I agree they could have at least said "thanks for submitting"... ...but past that, what were you looking for?
  5. You can be assured that unless Tepper is away traveling he and Rhule speak every day... ...that's just the way The Model operates.
  6. How about you... ...is there anything Mr. Tepper could say to pacify you? Put another way, what do you want him to say? I don't think there's anything he could say to placate you, hence, a pointless exercise.
  7. What would be accomplished were he to do so?
  8. Don't know. I did run across a couple of articles from Axios published in 2014 and 2015 that cited 1,700 and 2,300 seats for sale respectively at the time.
  9. Jets & Giants both did it. With Giants you had to be paid-up in 2-years but the Jets offered a 15-year payment plan to pay off the PSL....lots of folks have walked away from those payment plans mid-stream and Jets haven't come after them for the balance due. Given all the PSL horror stories out there I keep thinking the PSL mechanism will wither away and no longer be a tool for team owners to use to build a new stadium...but fans just keep on buying them. The Raiders attached PSL's to 55,000 seats (65,000 = capacity) and sold all of them. Some cost as much as $75,000 and overall the Raiders raised $478 million face-value and that number will increase due to interest revenue from people who financed their PSL.
  10. While immaterial to overall Panthers business operations BIG jump today... ...31 new-listings representing 81 seats. Total seats available now = 1,614 which is still below the Nov-9 peak of 1,646. For perspective this jump on the heels of the Rhule/Fitty presser yesterday is 2nd in magnitude only to the 33-listing/91-seat jump on 12/28 after expectations that Rhule might be fired on 12/27 were not met.
  11. Gone Guys chatter surrounding PSL's has been ongoing for many months and reached a crescendo this past week, so I thought now would be a good time to update you on how the PSL marketplace has been trending. My premise is PSL holders are a very predictable bunch and are in it for the long haul...through good-times and bad-times...but given all the carping and gnashing of teeth by the Gone Guys, I decided to start watching PSL sales closely. Conclusion: There is nothing in the PSL marketplace to indicate any sort of behavioral sea-change by PSL holders, partners who are the bedrock of the Panthers business plan. Listings for seats/PSL's available for sale are actually lower than 2-months ago. date/#listings/#seats Novy 7 > 640 > 1,625 Novy 9 > 648 > 1,646 (peak, Cam signed) Dec 6 > 617 > 1,529 Dec 28 > 597 > 1,468 (floor 1, Rhule retained) Dec 29 > 609 > 1,501 Jan 3 > 593 > 1,451 (floor 2) Jan 4 > 626 > 1,542 (BIG* jump, Gone Guys?) Jan 7 > 632 > 1,557 (2022 peak 2) Jan 10 > 624 > 1,533 For perspective, a 2014 Axios article cited 1,700 PSL-seats available and a 2015 article by the same folks cited 2,300 PSL-seats available. PSL sales are almost exclusively driven by significant life-changes (kids age out, move away, retirement, loss of job, etc) vs. dissatisfaction over the on-field product...not to mention nobody likes to "sell-low" which is exactly what they'd be doing right now. Flipside, the 2015 for-sale seat-count was 2,300 which is fully 50% higher than today, and that makes perfect sense -- times are good, sell high! The End. *seems likely the BIG jump is a corporate customer of some sort dumping a large block of seats. ADDENDUM: A few bits of info... PSL accounts number about 23,000. Those 23,000 accounts control about 62,000 seats (almost 83% of all seats). Just over 50% of PSL accounts are controlled by "originals", folks who have been in since day-1. (all numbers pulled from public sources like CBJ, Axios, Observer, etc...) https://panthers.strmarketplace.com/Permanent-Seat-Licenses/For-Sale.aspx
  12. Listings for seats/PSL's available for sale are actually lower than 2-months ago. date/#listings/#seats Novy 7 > 640 > 1,625 Novy 9 > 648 > 1,646 (peak, Cam signed) Dec 6 > 617 > 1,529 Dec 28 > 597 > 1,468 (floor 1, Rhule retained) Dec 29 > 609 > 1,501 Jan 3 > 593 > 1,451 (floor 2) Jan 4 > 626 > 1,542 (BIG* jump, Gone Guys?) Jan 7 > 632 > 1,557 (2022 peak 2) Jan 10 > 624 > 1,533 For perspective, a 2014 Axios article cited 1,700 PSL-seats available and a 2015 article by the same folks cited 2,300 PSL-seats available. Conclusion: Despite all the carping and gnashing of teeth by the Gone Guys, there is nothing in the PSL marketplace to indicate any sort of behavioral sea-change by PSL holders who are the bedrock of the Panthers business plan. *seems likely the big jump is a corporate customer of some sort dumping a large block of seats.
  13. On Greeny’s show they are saying it was due to conflict between management/ownership and Flores on the topic of who the assistant coaches should/would be.
  14. Don’t set your expectations or indict Tepper based on the hot-take and bullshit quote some dipshit blowhard studio host made up… …doing so would be “laughable”
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