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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. I sure do hope you are right 🫵… The post-USC 8-team ACC was just awesome…bigger isn’t better here … …sure wish we had a time machine to turn back clock the The Big East and The ACC .
  2. Looks like RTB Capo's gravy-train just came to a screeching halt ...
  3. Boy Mitch Kupchak had been dealt a really lousy hand for a couple of months now...
  4. The Charlotte Ledger, a terrific new media outlet doing real “reporting” (unlike The Disturber), reports that Mascaro/Barton Malow (a JV formed to build the Panthers facility in Rock Hill) has filed suit against GT R/E Holdings in Delaware. Like York County who recently filed their own suit in SC, Mascaro/Barton Malow is attempting to pierce the corporate veil and attach their claims to Tepper controlled assets outside of GT R/E Holdings. If you haven’t already seen/read it, The Ledger is a startup news organization who distribute their product through email and the website — only $8/month and well worth it . Mascaro/Barton Malow Suit here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1832B7qhyPJFnn_qCVLI-XNwA4xEShqbs/view Ledger website here: https://charlotteledger.substack.com/p/rock-hill-contractor-slams-tepper Without further delay, let the pummeling commence ….
  5. Jonathan has been a Panthers fan for several years. This was all a business decision. Shelby native, high school in Gastonia, journalism degree from UNC-Chapel Hill… …odds are good JJ is a lifetime Panthers fan.
  6. I'd bet the line was quite long... ...paid jobs of this nature are shrinking in number rapidly.
  7. A heapin' helpin' of new Tepper related news which could be construed as "negative" broke today... ...I'm surprised The Let's Pile on Tepper Gang hasn't started 2 or 3 new threads and started into the finger pointing 🫵 and character assassination ...
  8. Maybe the rules are different now but it has certainly happened in the past...
  9. Exactly. He has too much going on to make an unfettered decision and frankly the "influences" surrounding him are concerning. His "BEST" career decision is to sign the largest contract he is offered -- and if that's not the Bobcats personally I will have no problem with the decision (from the perspective of the team).
  10. Goodell was actually quite supportive of Snyder in front of Congress last week. The time & money wasting grifters kept saying “we are going to hold him accountable”… …to which Goodell replied “he already has been held accountable” . The entire hearing can be observed here if so desired: If you have 5 minutes for a great laugh go to the 1:28:00 mark and listen to The Gentleman from Texas ( Fallon) and Goodell’s responses…truly hilarious . Exactly . Amazing how a false (and self-serving for the woe is me crowd) narrative has grown up around this issue .
  11. That’s not gonna happen… …but if Tepper retains ownership who cares?
  12. Excellent. Good to see the Leroy Fox sitdown between Luke and Rhule paying dividends . There’s new info out re: Rock Hill that’s ripe for tarring & feathering Tepper… …who’s gonna find it first and get the pummeling started …
  13. You make some good points... ...but I don't think Miles has the maturity or team around him to take a long-range view and make decisions accordingly.
  14. "Bouk" has zero % chance of ever beating Terry out of a job, ever...LOL.
  15. "mediocre"... ...that massively overstates the situation
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