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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. You make some good observations... ...including the passing of time. Mr. Whip-It-Out's last game action was 14 months ago on 1/3/2021 and there doesn't appear to be any real movement on resolving his legal problems, seems unlikely he'll be ready to go when the Texans go into camp.
  2. The rams were inept for how long? The LA rams that is. How long did it take for them to win a super bowl? And why? QB. Rams were quite good prior to Stafford's arrival. This was their 5th consecutive (!!) winning season and they had been in the playoffs 3 of last 4 years (missed in 2019 w/ 9-7 record) contesting 6 playoff games and winning 3. Stafford did represent an improvement at the most important position but the Rams were by no mean the Buccaneers! Speaking of which, the Buc's had missed the playoffs 12 -straight seasons and then won the Super Bowl!! It is worth noting in that stretch the Buc's missed the post-season 3 times with winning records including 10-6 in 2010.
  3. Exactly what he needed. Rivera was afraid of Cam and Smitty was the only guy holding him accountable... ...everyone would have been better off with Smitty & Cam both on the squad.
  4. Mr. Whip-It-Out's agent David Mulugheta is getting seriously desperate I don't believe the Texans have had one single discussion of any kind with any other team about trading Mr. W.I.O... ...all these smoke screens & leaks coming straight from Mulugheta or other sycophants orbiting around Mr. Whip-It-Out.
  5. ...along with 26 other NFL teams who aren't in the hunt for a Lombardi (not to mention there are no "top tier NFL QB's" available to anyone )
  6. Not to mention ~62,000 season-tickets/seats for which PSL owners ante up for in advance every season, year-in, year-out, for decades... ...regardless of what the the on-field product looks like.
  7. Whatever the word would be, what's with the one-sided beef? "credibility"...or lack thereof, would probably be the word.
  8. Probably because it was the only GM job he was being offered or seriously considered for. Beggars can't be choosers. I understand your stated position but can't figure Fitty's logic for putting himself into such a scenario? If he's truly a babysitter & paper-pusher and Rhule has final say on everything, then, Fitterer is not a GM and he took some job other than GM. A business card that says "GM" on it does not make one a GM. I do see that he has previously had GM interviews with the Eagles, Chiefs, Colts and Jets (probably others?) and when we hired him he was only 47... ...is the school of thought one where he saw his window closing and for some reason took a job that really wouldn't even meet the requirements for being a lateral move? Seems illogical...
  9. wtf?! I don't believe the statement above to be true**. Since the season ended there has been a lot of unnecessary gnashing of teeth and constant carping for Tepper to "speak" -- it might actually be a good idea for him to come out and put this rumor to rest. **Note: On the chance it is true, and were TRF & Co. to pull it off, it is literally the only scenario I can envision that could put the Panthers on a path to leaving town for another (far away) destination (not Rock Hill). PS...would the League Office have to approve the deal? Pretty sure no NBA trades are final until the League Office ratifies it, not sure if NFL has same procedure.
  10. Since last November 7th when PSL's representing 1,625 seats were available, the buy/sale/offering activity has remained in a band of ~300 (down as much as 174, up as much as 117)...these sorts of fluctuations are normal and in no way material to Panthers business ops. ~62,000 seats are controlled by PSL holders and they are the fans who actually pay the bills. There is absolutely no indication the Panthers are "losing" their most important stakeholders --- PSL owners. The website/author sourced by OP is just trolling for clicks and cherrypicking a few negative quotes off of social media is lazy and in no way constitutes journalistic effort, but rather, it's a disingenuous way for her to project her own uninformed negative opinion and position it as the truth. I know many many many PSL holders and only one has unloaded his PSL's any time in the recent past (gradually over a few years, controlled 12 seats), and, as usual, the sales were driven by life-changes vs. "I'm mad and taking my ball and going home" PSL holders are proven to patient, and their patience will be rewarded.
  11. Rhule has final say. Period. At the end of the day, Fitts was brought here to be a babysitter and paper pusher. Why would Fitterer take a job like that? Was he desperate for some reason? You know the guy with 608,222 posts says the model you describe is inaccurate, says Fitty is a "traditional GM" in every sense of the word... ...who are we to believe?
  12. Smart suggestion. That said, the truly vehement haters with the most acerbic current takes were wholly united against TB5 and blamed it all on him at the time… …brings to mind the age old axiom — be careful what you ask for
  13. What's the newest key-date in the long line of key-dates by which Mr. Whip-It-Out is guaranteed to be traded?
  14. Folks actually fork over their hard earned money for that pitiful drivel?
  15. Let's be honest, I think most of us, regardless of the current team's success, would probably take interviews for a promotion from an assistant to the actual job. Well....... unless it was a job for the Lions that is. Consistent movement is the norm for coaches/execs working their up the NFL ladder. Hell just look at recent Huddle Hero Pep Hamilton’s resume… …he has been with 7 different teams in a 10-years, and 10 teams in 15-years. Stop trying to make something out of nothing
  16. I just don't believe Ross would do that. Possibly I am wrong. Makes a huge difference. Think about it this way... ...did the lawyers hire the plaintiff here?
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