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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. So just move back to Miami and let other people competely run the business you paid for with $2.25B of cash not too long ago? Absentee ownership if you will?
  2. Well, that's because of Tepper and The Horsesh-t Way If Tepper let's somebody else run the team, that might change. Whoa now Trigger... ...you have consistently maintained Tepper is not involved in football decisions which fall under the exclusive purview of the "football people"... ...are you saying you have been wrong about this?
  3. Why would platinum level guy like that join up with such a shite owner and organization? I thought we had no ability to attract top talent?
  4. Colbert is 66 and is quitting the great Steelers organization because he's tired of working, why the heck would he consider coming here? Insane Ditto Newsome, what the heck could you do to convince him to come here?
  5. That would represent an improvement over the all-time overall record of 205–227–1 and .475… …baby steps.
  6. Lookin' damn good... ...value of the team is up $700,000,000 since the purchase Put that in your pipe and smoke it ... ..."bro"
  7. "ketchup" or "catsup"... The Tomlin Narrative is 100% #FakeNews Not shutting down the speculation about Mr. Whip-It-Out is a mistake...
  8. Outstanding update @onmyown, thanks Also, agreed on Buzbee who at 54 is on his game and at the top of his profession.
  9. Yup. Bottom line is Gerry Dulac, the looooong tenured Steelers reporter for the Pittsburgh Gazette and host of the Steelers Radio Network... ...is constructive on Samir considers him to be in the set of possible considerations. Why so much negativity about Samir and everyone else associated with the team? Did Samir somehow suddenly forget how to do capology math? If there is a cap problem it isn't because his spreadsheet was inaccurate -- his job is to keep track of it and present scenario analysis -- he has no say in how the funds are allocated. Jeezus the f'g incessant whining just already...
  10. Gretzy'esque...1st ballot HOF ...a circular motion hitherto unknown to the people in this area but destined to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology...here we go... PS: Mitch or Cam next year, who is the better option?
  11. They also didn't make him compete for the job ... ...nobody else seemed to have a problem with that at the time...
  12. Not a bad group... ...I supported TB5. The old "be careful what you ask for" axiom has come home to roost
  13. Where is Darnold? Does he spend the off-season in Charlotte working out at team facilities?
  14. It is though. The Kerr situation is much more similar to when Steve Smith and Ken Lucas got in a fight. But whatever. Keep living in your own reality where you make up the rules and the points don't matter or whatever. You're right it is different... ...Steve Kerr fought back.
  15. Is that capologist we hired from the great Pittsburgh Steelers not working out? What was his name again?
  16. Not in the least. I don't believe it even happened, the "slap" that is. (but am open to seeing some legitimately sourced corroboration) Absolutely not. Shipping Smitty was a big mistake.
  17. Is there a credible source who can corroborate this? I certainly don't see anything out there about it and were it true the press certainly would be all over it, no way they'd participate in a coverup in order to protect "the team". That said, if it's true...so what? Did Cam "slap" him back? If not, why not? You know Michael Jordan punched Steve Kerr in the face and Kerr went right back after him until teammates broke it up, Kerr ended up with a black-eye... ...then they booted up and went out and won 3 straight World Championships together.
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