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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Gladly... ...what's his/her name?
  2. Exactly. They went 11-3 overall, lost the Rose Bowl to Oregon, and finished the season ranked #11. Can't believe Tom O'Brien sent R-Will packing, was a horrible decision for the 'Pack and cost O'Brien his job. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/05/15/russell-wilson-remembers-n-c-state-coach-telling-him-he-had-no-nfl-future/ “The summer before my senior year of college, I’m playing minor league baseball. I call my football coach at N.C. State and say, ‘Hey Coach, I’d like to come back for my senior year.’ “And he told me I wasn’t coming back. He said: ‘Listen son, you’re never going to play in the National Football League. You’re too small. There’s no chance. You got no shot, give it up.’ “I said, ‘So you’re telling me if I come back to N.C. State, I won’t see the field?’ He said, ‘No, son, you won’t see the field.’
  3. Be patient and trust the process bro... ...the Appaloosa Way will prevail
  4. Why would anyone react to #FakeNews like this
  5. The NFL “ MVP” award is a joke… …means nothing. Lombardi or #bust…
  6. Bailey had Fitterer on earlier and is reporting there was a "robust market" for Evil Knievel...
  7. Kudos...excellent info, thanks. (and not a speck of cut & paste)
  8. Tell it to Rodgers Whiny A-aron ain't going anywhere
  9. Those pesky lil' legally binding contracts have a chilling effect... ...especially the ones lacking a "my feelings are hurt" out-clause... ...which is 100% of 'em
  10. Whatever crowd he was hanging with at the time, hopefully he has left them behind...
  11. Dolan probably worse given the unlimited resources and preferred location (NYC, Garden, etc)... ...but it's a very close race for sure. Mitch has done a good job but he's not the long-term solution. The real inflection point that allowed Mitch some leeway to operate was when the new partners from New York joined the ownership group... ...that said, looks like they are headed for another losing season.
  12. Given the staff in place it can only get worse from here, right? So you're putting the over/under at 5?
  13. You predicted I wouldn't get my way. Given that you're pretty much always wrong, I find that encouraging That wasn’t a prediction, merely a statement of fact. Ok Carnac… …how many games do you predict the Panthers will win in the coming season?
  14. That's because nothing you predict ever comes true. There was no prediction...
  15. Well, that'd be better for the team. I've long thought the same about Mike Jordan... ...never got my way, and you're not gonna get yours.
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