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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. This place has been overrun by a certain type of poster. As owner, if Tepper doesn't field a winning team, he's depriving them of that feeling of superiority over another fandom that they need to have. It's like withholding drugs from a junkie, and it makes them lash out. If they can't have that winning feeling, then they're going to entertain themselves by doom posting. If Kraft were the Panthers owner and had delivered 7 Lombardi trophies in 25 years... ...they'd find something to whine about because he's a "billionaire"
  2. And fans who travel to see the team can look forward to a decade of harassment in opposing stadiums like what the Steelers fans faced related to Roethlisberger...
  3. I have yet to see anything legitimate to indicate the Texans really are willing to trade Ol' Whip-It-Out... ...Whiny Aaron and the Packers patched up their issues, I'm sure Whip-It-Out and Texans can too.
  4. There is a 100% chance that someone would know this. For example, the one they hired and anyone that worked for him or her. Whether they would tell somebody in the press is anyone's guess. Unless that is the Panthers never hired a P.I. in the first place
  5. Exactly, it's called a background check. As the compensation numbers get larger the checking out becomes more comprehensive...especially when there are overhanging "issues" like we have with Mr. Whip-It-Out. That said, as usual, not a single named source.
  6. Appears you made it up... ...but if you can provide confirmation from a legitimate source I'm open to reading it. I think you confused Mr. Whip-It-Out with OBJ
  7. First I've heard of this but given what we now know sounds like it was entirely warranted.
  8. Patriots owner Robert Kraft got a consensual handjob from a middle-aged lady and was widely excoriated and labeled a child sex-trafficker... ...but it's expected folks will "look past" Mr. Whip-It-Out's non-consensual whipping it out and rubbing it on young women against their will...
  9. May as well try to list them here: https://panthers.strmarketplace.com/Permanent-Seat-Licenses/For-Sale.aspx
  10. Division winners at 11-5 and 10-6 in two of his three full seasons wasn't good enough for you? I'd take it. Pretty good for such a sh*t franchise, eh? Not to mention 7 winning records in last 11 seasons (same as Panthers entire history)...6 division titles in last 11 (again same as Panthers entire history)...and 4 back-to-back winning seasons in last 11 (Panthers = 0 in history). Why would Mr. Whip-It-Out leave that to come here... ...hurt feelings?
  11. The Hornets fans turned on George Shinn over similar social concerns and abandoned the team... ...went from perennial NBA attendance leaders to playing in an empty arena... ...owners moved the team. Signing Mr. Whip-It-Out is the only thing I can envision that would put the Panthers on a path that leads to an exit from Charloot...
  12. I thought Mr. Whip-It-Out refused to waive the No Trade clause for the Panthers... ...has this changed? Or was that #fakenews from the start? Whip-It-Out's agent David Mulugheta is desperate at this point and there's zero evidence the Texans have even engaged with any other team on the topic --- it's all coming from Mulugheta.
  13. Statute of limitations How long is that? How did the statute of limitations factor in with Harvey Weinstein?
  14. Extremely tired narrative, not how the real world works... ...let it go pal
  15. This guy must be a complete and utter moron. A $1,500 bet cost him an $11 million payday… …no big deal, he was destined to end up flat broke anyway.
  16. Has the towel been thrown in on General Manager Fitterer?
  17. Yet their appreciative fans will find enjoyment in the rich pageant...
  18. Should probably form a tag-team WWE squad with Mr. Whip-It-Out... ...they'd dominate!
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