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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. None of these “reports” are legitimately sourced and most are complete fabrications. 99% of the dreck published on Mr. Whip-It-Out is a combination of puppeteering of the press by WIO’s agent, and pure fiction by “reporters” desperate for clicks.
  2. What a bunch of steaming bovine dung Texans and Panthers can negotiate to their hearts content regardless of the status of Whip-It-Out's stance on any given team as it goes to the no-trade provision... ...can't conclude a deal until he agrees, but they can dam sure pre-negotiate one. I believe Whip-It-Out's agent, who is desperate, has been conducting shadow negotiations with any team that will listen...and then leaking anything and everything to a laughably compliant press
  3. He was. ACC POY. ACC Offensive POY. ACC 1st Team. NCAA All-America Team. Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Award. Complete horse hockey. KP started 49 games over 5-years and went 33-16 which is amazing for Pitt! Burrow never started until his 4th year and overall started 21 fewer games than Big KP. In no way suggesting Big KP will succeed like Burrow but your "sat out for 4 years" is 100% a false narrative and you should knock off phony talk pal
  4. Darnold is way more talented. I will take the other side of your trade...
  5. Tom Brady is 45... Whiny Aaron didn't start an NFL game until he was almost 25yrs of age... Kurt Warner didn't start an NFL game until he was 28yrs of age...
  6. It was probably more like 122, or 222... ...22 came forward, 1-in-10 is about "normal" in terms of the aggrieved speaking up.
  7. Because he's a whiny bitch and his feeling are hurt due to ownership not ceding him the GM position/responsibilities... ...Mr. Whip-It-Out is taking some bad advice and has become delusional. #BuyerBeware (assumes he's really for sale, which is in doubt)
  8. In fact, I haven’t spoken with David about his client. I’m sure he’s out there doing his job on that front, and that’s a big part of this game. Mulugheta it is
  9. Since 2021 (11 seasons) they have: - 7 winning seasons (same as Panthers lifetime). - 6 division titles (same as Panthers lifetime). - 6 playoff appearances (2 more than Panthers and 1 of those was with a losing regular season record , Texans missed 1 year w/ 9-7 record). - 4 back-to-back winning seasons (Panthers still squarely on zero). Panthers could use a heapin' helpin' of that...
  10. #FakeNews Kinda hard to do when the Texans won't take any incoming phone calls.
  11. Watson's agent is getting desperate and I suspect the trail for all the un-sourced rumors leads back to him -- he's trying to stir up anything he can in an attempt to get the Texans to move off the schneid & clearly nothing is working. I mean who really wants the guy? Many teams are set at QB, they don't want him. Many teams aren't foolish enough to over-pay, they don't want him. His proclivity to whip-it-out is a DQ w/ many teams, don't want him. Who is left? The Texans, that's who.
  12. He's not capable of playing in The League... ...and truth is he really doesn't want to -- he'd just come in and prance around in a few stupid t-shirts and stir up trouble. No thanks.
  13. Actually I'd say the worst thing you can be is a team that just gave up a ridiculous haul of draft picks and players for a quarterback who's then found guilty of a crime or suspended or some such. Not my words. That said, agree with your analysis.
  14. Pure speculation... ...and, per usual, not a single named source. ("one player" ) Look, unless the player contract has a "hurt feelings" clause in it said feelings do not constitute a breach -- gotta play for pay.
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