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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Baker + Malik or K-Dog... ...let's roll
  2. She's trolling Exactly... ...mastering the obvious just like a coterie of our other* local "reporters"... (* bloggers, twitter warriors, chicks who "know a guy, who knows a guy"...
  3. I'd take Jameis over Baker... ...that said, either are better than any other option we currently have.
  4. From one of our usual "reporters"...? Any attribution in said report?
  5. Hopefully he's still available at #6...
  6. How about adding both The Swashbuckler and Pickett...
  7. He must not be able to play a lick if he's willing to consider coming to Charloot...
  8. You're kidding yourself... ..."guaranteed" that contract is rife with morals-clauses and any number of outs should Mr. Whip-It-Out continue to walk outside the boundaries of normal (and legal) human behaviour
  9. He certainly secured a sweet agreement, no doubt... ...let's see if he can live up to the personal demands required to collect on the contract... ...in order to do so he's gonna have to modify his behaviour -- guys with a god-complex + monstrous contract often have trouble doing so...
  10. You think The Swashbuckler will bring a king's ransom on the open market
  11. Oh it's faaaaaarrr from over, hell the green flag hasn't even been waved yet ... Guarantee you that contract has a bevy of morals clauses & potential outs built into it --- Mr. Whip-It-Out is gonna have to toe clearly defined line in the sand... ...will be interesting to see if he can control his urges, LOL (not to mention the massive he now has on his back )
  12. I like The Swashbuckler ... ...bring him on As an aside, does a Browns/Whip-It-Out deal require approval from the League Office? The NBA League Office has a history of vetoing trades...not sure if the NFL operates in similar fashion.
  13. You should go ahead and let loose, remove the shackles! Literally nothing you post/discuss isn't already out in the public forum... Name one single piece of factual info you weren't at best the 7th guy to put out on Al Gore's internets... Really? "full-time"...??
  14. I don’t hate the Panthers. It’s not my job to cheerlead for them, either. Actually, it certainly appears you do For example, every time you're interviewed you lead with something like "oh I like Matt Rhule and I'm certainly not calling for his job, but..."... ...and then you go on to completely sh*t all over him and effectively call for him to be fired Dude, that's OK, but just own it already, go ahead and give your real opinion... ...and let's be honest here, the truth is your opinion is all you have to bring to the table...
  15. Amazes me the Texans didn't take the same path as Browns initially took with Baker Mayfield... ...namely, " sorry son if you want to earn suit up now" ... ...that said, will be interesting to see if Browns are able to collect on their investment... ...Whip-It-Out's true character will come into play, just a matter of when Question: does the League/Office have ratify this contract? Put another way, might they void it on competitive terms
  16. Whoah wait a doggone minute... ...thought Rhule's empire was the single most leak-ridden in the entire NFL @Verge @ellis
  17. Not to mention the bloggers, twitter-warriors, posers, chicks who know-a-guy who knows-a-guy, etc...
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