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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Clearly he is... ...waiting to provide the proof.
  2. If he does, what's he waiting on? Seems like the proof is the very first thing you'd put into the briefcase in the morning before you go to testify in front of Congress and make serious allegations of this nature? I wonder if he was under oath?
  3. They wouldn’t have gotten to the Final if he hadn’t gotten on a heater and I know was disappointed in his play last night… …but damn Hubie needs to coach him up on body language — his behavior in the post-game presser was awful and disrespectful to the UNC-CH brand
  4. Joe "Last to Know" Person says they are taking Malik the Streak at #6 (in his opinion)
  5. What we have here is a witch hunt being conducted by a kangaroo court… …what is this world coming to
  6. So... ...you are saying... ...a paid employee is telling 32-owners (mostly billionaires), how it's going to be, all of the time? Do you really believe this
  7. Who are the "League officials" that do the "picking"? Please name names... (and "officials" is plural, so provide 5 names at a minimum)
  8. What was that date? And what was that date?
  9. Jerry Jones unequivocally supported The Big Kitty after the SI story broke... ...resolutely and repeatedly
  10. Lol, you believe everything the media says. In a related story, Jeffery Epstein killed himself and OJ Simpson is innocent. You believe 9/11 Twin Towers is also #fakenews?
  11. What were the exact dates of the groundbreaking Sports Illustrated report/article... ...and The Bigg Kitty's announcement that he was selling?
  12. You anti-Clinton? I'll give you this fella... ...your imagination is beyond reproach... ...an imagination hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology! Carry on
  13. One would have to be mindblowingly "stupid" to "pull a stunt like this"... ...Snyder's clearly a doosh but do you really believe he's that stupid? The involved would be chump change...couldn't amount to more than $3 million and to think Snyder would take such a risk is completely illogical -- almost seems too good to be true huh?
  14. Lol, you believe everything the media says. In a related story, Jeffery Epstein killed himself and OJ Simpson is innocent. LOL..."the media" didn't say a single word, not one. No anonymous "sources", not a "I know a guy who knows a guy" stab in the dark (like virtually all Panthers "reporters" barf up these days) ... ...but rather a direct statement from Joe Lockhart who was EVP of Communications & Govt. Affairs & lead spokesman for the NFL League Office at the time. Mr. Lockhart's resume is impeccable (includes 2+ years as White House Press Secretary for President Clinton) and his integrity is beyond reproach. Feel free to keep your head squarely buried in the sand...
  15. Lop his head OFF!! Is the "information" received by Congress good info? Possibly... Or might it be bad info? Certainly possible as well... I'll be surprised if this story has legs for multiple reasons: (a) The dollars involved are relatively small and shaving in this area would have zero impact on overall operation (~$400M total rev's). (b) This is an area the League Office can easily monitor on a consistent basis -- ticket sales are known. (c) Every year the Redskins are a net-gainer from the shared "net-ticket-revenue" pool vs. what they put in ('Skins rank #31-of-32 in NFL home-attendance). If this info proves to be accurate seems like the pilfering would be a result an embezzlement scheme by some ticket office or accounting employee vs. a starts-at-the-top w/ D. Snyder scheme to save $2 or $3 million. Dan's a doosh but this sort of low-level petty theft would be a waste of time for a man of his means...
  16. Ol’ Silver Platter at least needs to be forced to compete for the job If Sam is week-1 starter, and there’s not a top draft-pick QB in waiting on the roster… …all the Rhule Haters will get their wish in short order
  17. Why the f*** would the Browns give that even 2-seconds of consideration?
  18. Browns will need a QB while Whip-It-Out's never-ending legal problems continue to limp along... ...hell, they may as well keep Baker on the roster because the way things are going Mr. W.I.O. could very well miss another entire season Has there been any confirmation of a formally-executed/legally-binding contract between the Team and Whip It Out? Interesting that W.I.O. left an organization with 7-winning records and 6-playoff appearances in last 11-seasons... ...for some bumblers with 1-winning record and 1-playoff appearance in the same 11-seasons. Assuming he does get to play again, how long before he starts acting out when things don't go his way?
  19. P.S.-> Don't forget that when The Big Kitty played the "I'll move the team to L.A. card" in an attempt to force the city & state to give him money for stadium renovations... ...your Charlotte City Council caved and gave him the money. However, Gov. Pat McCrory Just Said No and refused to give him any State of North Carolina dollars... ...voting season is nigh -- this would be a good issue to ask your potential representative about P.P.S. -> “Smuggy” Mitchell and Pat McCrory are both on the ballot this year Also, you can count on Billy Maddalon (District 1) to Just Say No to David Tepper
  20. Another complete waste of time and tax-payor dollars/resources What they oughta be investigating the $850 million Gov. Hochul in NY State just gave that nasty billionaire Terry Pegula Just kidding on the "nasty" part, don't know him... ...but giving him the money is complete B.S..
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