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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Not the forum for this. The proper forum is?
  2. Yeah So where is the like/dislike line drawn? $1 million? $10 million? $100 million? Clean break at $1 billion? Is there an income caveat? Meaning, if a dude makes $8 million/year but spends every penny and has no savings, is said dude in the no-like bucket? Or the like bucket? This is interesting, and unique…
  3. Definitely/always a poor decision -- occasionally ascends to the "scam" level. The "Cable Box" is a prime example of a complete-scam foisted onto the good citizens of Charloot. I have a hunch Tepper actually knew Rock Hill wouldn't be able to get the promised bond-issue off and made a calculated bet that the county/state would step in and backstop them. The finances of Rock Hill are not at all complicated and Tepper would have access to any and all information on their borrowing ability and their chances of tapping the public markets for the promised funds... ...or not. The single most valuable commodity globally is information... ...and nobody has a better network than Tepper -- he's not surprised by any of this.
  4. You need to check the dates on those articles bub... ...all the "sex trafficking" info was 100% fabricated -- complete & utter fiction.
  5. ...and he's certainly not afraid to put his money on the line for the Mavericks
  6. Sounds about right. I have a strong suspicion that in this case the lawyer hired the plaintiff... ...presented him with a potential money-making effort if you will . If they were looking for a fight it's clear John Mara & Giants are gonna give 'em one…
  7. I wonder how big are the checks these ball-coaches are having write to to pay for these high-powered lawyers?
  8. So much hand-wringing and gnashing-of-teeth (not to mention #fakenews) over a 78 year-old single man popping down to the local rub & tug for a pre-game tuneup from a middle-aged Mama-San
  9. Do you really believe the Kraft and Whip-It-Out situations are even remotely similar? I never stated an opinion on Kraft one way or the other, simply answered the question.
  10. Is consent a concept you are familiar with?
  11. Really? Did the "people of Rock Hill" vote on a referendum on the issue?
  12. Have you ever signed a contract, for anything? If so, did you intend to honor it? Or is your word something you don't care about?
  13. Nobody "made" anyone "foot the bill" for anything... ...stop with the false narrative pal
  14. The City of Green Bay owns the stadium... ...it does not own the team. It's a novelty ownerships structure which will never happen again in the NFL
  15. The hands down GOAT NFL owner of all time... ...Mr. Robert Kraft
  16. 0.00% Have you ever done the math on the frictional costs Mr. D.A. Tepper would incur if he went down the path of moving the team?
  17. It's unfortunate that citizens elect politicians who are pussies and won't say NO. Gov. Pat McCrory told The Big Kitty NO when he came looking for State of NC money for 🏟 renovations... ...CLT City Councilman James "Smuggy" Mitchell said YES and gave The Big Kitty your hard earned money for 🏟 reno's. Both are on the ballot this year -- keep this issue in mind when you cast your vote 🗳
  18. Exactly z-e-r-o percent chance he moves the Panthers
  19. Are you an honorable person? Do you believe in living up to your word/promises?
  20. What a load of B.S. this slanted drivel is… …tabloid worthy
  21. Biggest blown lead in history of Final 4…
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