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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Yeah but he has the biggest paycheck going for him... ...which is nice .
  2. Blah blah blah... ...Mr. 116.7K you either need to quantify it or it didn't happen .
  3. 3.4% of Tepper's PSL partners are sellers of their tickets... ...in no way does that constitute "a solid percentage", nor is it even remotely close to being outside the normal historical boundaries for this metric... ...step outside your minuscule echo chamber bro and join the real world .
  4. Put a number to it... ...remember, you said "a pretty solid percentage of the fanbase thinks he's a dipsh-t"... ...please quantify numerically
  5. 3rd Leg Greg, Agent #89, McAdoo and Fitterer, have all spoken in support of Silver Platter Sam... ...and privately, I hear #59 and CMC are also squarely in his corner... ...hmm
  6. So, numerically, what do you estimate "a solid percentage" to be? FYI, currently ~2,100 PSL-linked seats are for sale -- this out of a base of ~62,000 seats controlled by PSL holders... ...for those keeping score at home that's 3.4%.
  7. I'm squarely against Tepper on several key issues including the idea of the Charloot City Council giving him tax payor funds to subsidize a new stadium... ...that said, all along I've known what kind of guy he is and how he's wired... ...glad to hear you are developing a better understanding as such .
  8. Why do you worship Tepper so much? Made no mention of Tepper whatsoever... ...simply an observation on how the business is run .
  9. Whoah wait a minute hold on now 🖐... ...just this week Deebo & Florio & the perpetually offended who feel they have the right to mandate how private corporations should conduct their business affairs... ...said it was the NFL players who were being mistreated and "forced" to work places they didn't want to work... ...and it needs to be more like college where all the players have a choice, all of the time ...
  10. It's a collaborative system/effort/approach...always has been .
  11. I don't even know what the bet is... ...but I am interested to know what constitutes "a substantial amount" in these parts .
  12. Can we put some parameters around that ?
  13. Went back and listened to it, direct quote: "When you have a thoroughbred like him out on the market who is saying he's unhappy, one you have to do your due diligence...there's the 49'ers side, there's Deebo's side, and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. Figure out what happened, why, so that does not happen here...a la, the Brooklyn Nets. Right, you gotta be careful sometimes when you get a player who has some things going on... ...you gotta do your due diligence and then take the temperature of your team and say can we handle, in case it goes off the rails?" Sure sounds like (i) Agent #89 knows something, and (ii) not sure if he's comparing Deebo to Kyrie, Harding or Simmons... ...but it's definitely one of them!
  14. Of the current owners only James Dolan challenges Minimum Mike for single worst NBA owner . The next 2 years are going to be VERY interesting from a funding perspective -- M.M.'s checkbook is gonna be under serious pressure ... 1. Will he PAY up for a TOP Head Ball Coach? Or hire another inexpensive newbie/re-run? 2. PAY to keep Miles? 3. PAY for a TOP free-agent/big? 4. PAY to keep LaMelo? 5. PAY to go into the Luxury Tax for the 1st time, ever? These are the moves he will need to make in order to give the moribund Bobcats a chance to break out of their long-term pattern of failure... ...will be very interesting to watch ...
  15. Agent #89 went on Bailey's show today and said beware of this guy, could be trouble...
  16. Search away doosh... (cut/paste LMAO ) NOTE: I did in fact predict Hurney would stick around but when he didn't I was the first one in and owning it... ...opposite of a p*ssy like you who won't even get on the record with a simple Yes/No vote on the Panthers practice facility in Rock Hill getting restarted .
  17. $18,890,000 is what he would forfeit if he declined to play… …I strongly suspect he will want to collect that
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