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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. No sh*t Sherlock... Yeah, things change. Act like a POS you can expect it... ...until the crude & rude "fans" took away his ability to move freely around Charlotte with his children. I mean WTF do you expect?
  2. Being "booed on the jumbotron" isn't the issue... ...that said, it's a 2-way street... ...other than very limited specific NFL mandates Coach Rhule has no obligation to appear and speak publicly just to appease the whiny masses... ...so if you want to scream profanities in public about Coach Rhule go ahead ... ...but set your expectations to exactly zero for him to make any voluntary public appearances/comments .
  3. He was just on "stage" at the Kenny Chesney concert last week. The guy can't even take his kid to a Hornets game because crude & rude Panthers "fans" are too immature to control themselves... ...why would Rhule ever speak or appear publicly any more than the bare minimum as mandated by the NFL? Nothing has changed...
  4. The list of broke/bankrupt athletes with $100M+ of contractual earnings + other endorsement income... ...is very long. The common troublesome themes are: 1. Large entourage of family/friends with snouts in the trough. 2. Multiple children with multiple women. 3. Businesses with family/friends on payroll. 4. Conspicuous consumption of high-ticket luxury cars/homes/jewelry, etc... 5. Bad investments in long-shot business ideas... ...for starters PS: Remember, the agent and the tax-man take a whopping cut of all those headline income-numbers and Cam's take is significantly less...
  5. You know lots of businesses actually lose money... ...especially those owned by pro athletes who have lots of "family" members with snouts in the trough . Bet those articles don't discuss profitability huh ?
  6. Nah!! What kind of revenues does the 7-on-7 league generate? And the other "thriving businesses" are?
  7. A friend of mine is a grade school teacher in the Bronx... ...has 3 sets of twins in her class... ...one pair named Sharon, and Notsharon .
  8. He's gonna end up broke... ...but will still be a good person .
  9. Wasn't there some chatter about the guy from UNC-CH going in round-1 and possibly being the first QB off the board?
  10. No they’re not… …schools like that (see The Providence Day School - Charlotte Latin School - Country Day School) routinely admit top athletes on scholarship… …I’d be surprised if Corral wasn’t in that group - there on an athletic scholarship .
  11. Awesome … …. and an amazing result for such a sh*t organization with a sh*t staff and sh*t leadership and total complete horsesh*t ownership … …it’s a Festivus Miracle !!!
  12. Rhule doesn't have "final say"... ...has never had "final say"... ...and never will have "final say"... ...that inalienable right resides solely with the man who writes the checks -- the owner -- Mr. David A. Tepper . That's just the Way it is...
  13. What’s the latest on Jimmy G. and Baker B….Panthers still in mix? Can’t believe those dumbasses Colbert & Tomlin chose Kenny “Baby Hands” Pickett… …what a coupla morons those 2 are .
  14. Well I needed somebody I could have an intelligent conversation with, so... And this is the venue you seek for 8-10 hours daily? Wow...
  15. Nobody's taking you seriously, dude. Stop fooling yourself and things might go better for you. Posting replies to yourself? Probably past your bedtime there bud...
  16. Losing? You refuse to even step onto the playing field... ...won't even express a Yes or No opinion on a restart of the Rock Hill project... ...can't keep score if you're not in the game -- and you're not in the game, e-v-e-r . (except for one metric that is, where you are a 1st ballot HOF'er...Mr. 116.7K )
  17. Blah blah blah.. ...cut, paste... ...rinse, repeat
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