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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Spot on. Spot on again. She has no credible “source” within the Panthers organization (or anywhere else ) who knows the internal landscape as it goes to Baker M. and your supposition that a Browns “source” is puppeteering her is entirely plausible, and logical. Kudos mate … Signed, Not Sanjay, never was Sanjay (or Chuck)…. (those guys sure made a big impression on a number of you, almost like they haunt you )
  2. Yeah? Well my dad works at Nintendo, and he says that this guys dad is full of poo. October will mark 9 years since Dad passed on...he was a fine man . (but didn't know Tepper)
  3. So, since you are in touch with "insiders", tell us this... 1. How many ppl are in the set of opinions that "she" says would all have to be in the same place to constitute "organizational consensus"? 3? 5? More? 2. Which of the people in that set are "high" on Baker...and which aren't? Do tell...
  4. What is it all-knowing Carnac the Magnificent?
  5. Hopefully we can associate him with something other than a glorified sit down fast food buffet. Thee Golden Corral is one of the great values in all things gustatory... ...shame on you for doubting an unequivocally entrenched fine dining establishment, and our new boy ...
  6. Blame it on Tepper & Rhule, they suck ...
  7. Elite cut & paste effort here, kudos ...
  8. Triggered? Pal, the NFL is big business of the highest order... ...the product for sale just happens to be "football"... ...how's your post count looking today? 6-7 hours under your belt?
  9. Just the facts, ma'am... 🥹 PS...only the last 3 seasons accrue to Tepper's ledger .
  10. The fact remains, turnarounds are complex and time consuming... ...if you had any business expertise or experience of any kind you'd understand this but in fact, you are clueless... ...lemme guess, stay at home sloth ?
  11. You are clueless ... ...carry on blowhard, you probably need another 30 posts before midnight to keep up with your daily average ...
  12. It takes time to turn around a complex business organization like an NFL team (a point clearly lost on you ). In baseball parlance we are in the top of the 2nd inning with no outs and a 2-2 count… …get back to me during the 7th inning stretch on Big Tepp’s “record” .
  13. If my recollection is accurate he has interviewed for Head Bal Coach jobs with about 2/3'rds (20+ teams) of the league at this point.... ...very curious .
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