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Everything posted by CarolinaRideorDie

  1. I think Vrabel will bring accountability and discipline to the team, but he'll also need good OC. Outside of running King Henry 30+ times a game, he hasn't shown any other creativity. Maybe he and Arthur Smith can have a reunion? They had some of their best times together.
  2. Luvu is the one player that actually played like he cared and embodied the Keep Pounding Mantra as a LB. Tag Burns, if he signs else where then we get a 1st round pick which is more valuable to help the offense. Burn's 8 sacks this year didn't do anything for us, but we could have used 8 more TDs on offense this year.
  3. Tepper being the idiot that he is, he probably just saw the initial B. Johnson and thought it was Ben Johnson so asked for an interview.
  4. The whole FO staff should be Lord Varys because they don't have the balls to stand up to Tepper....see what I did there? lol
  5. No, i'm just trying to put it into context. If the average HC only lasts 3 seasons, why does it matter if it's OC or DC? I think people are just getting tunnel vision that because this is an offensive league then OC must be the way to go at HC.
  6. I think the more interesting stat is how many of these offensive minded HC last more than 3 years into their HC gig.
  7. There are a lot of positives to take from this hire. I do think Dan can be the right hire for the following reasons. 1. He is a former player, our current players will buy into what he has to say and build some rapport with him. Look what John Lynch did for SF. 2. He is former Panther from the glory days/Super Bowl days. He knows this city and has seen the success that we had (Keep Pounding), the current Panthers are a team far from that culture and we need culture. 3. He had up close experience and view of what went wrong during this disaster of a season, from an internal standpoint, sometimes you need to know what went wrong to know how to fix it. 4. He was part of the brass that drafted Young. I know a lot of people will dislike this, but ultimately Tepper was going to find a guy who believed in Young regardless of our opinion of Young. Forwarning, Tepper will hire a HC who believes in Young and can groom him. All of this to say, I know a lot of people will also be against this hire because he was attached to Fitterer. We were so hyped with the "All star" staff last year and looked how it turned out. Maybe Dan isn't the big name we want, but this hire does make sense.
  8. I called out how terrible this year's draft is during week 3. Maybe it's premature to judge but I'm basing this on past Scott Fitterer's drafts too. As the season has gone on, none of these players drafted made any significant contributions. Looking like another busted draft class.
  9. As long as he didn't throw a drink, it should be fine lol
  10. It just goes to show that the Panthers are not worth hating. Nobody hates a team that they always beat!!!
  11. This is why I don't think it's absolutely necessary to have a "young OC" as our next HC is necessary. Ryans was a DC but he definitely inspired his team and got them to perform. We just need a HC that the players will believe in and to make smart staff decisions.
  12. Retread coaches don't work, the only one that comes to my mind is Andy Reid, but he was consistently successful in Philly. Belicheck could find success with a talented roster, but he can't draft for crap, he makes sense in Atl.
  13. Harbaugh, he has kept the Ravens competitive and they play hard.
  14. For Tepper who is reportedly "enamored" with Philly's OC and staff. If we thought Frank called too many screen passes, he's been outdone!
  15. The only advantage Tepper has is his deep pockets over the other owners with coaching vacancies. Money talks, and everyone has a price. I guess the question is how much Ben Johnson is willing to sell his soul for. I don't care either way, I'm just curious and asking.
  16. kind of like what he promised Rhule, but Ben Johnson is actually credible and actually has NFL exp.
  17. Do you guys think Tepper will let Ben Johnson leave the building if he wants Ben that badly?
  18. Keeping a grumpy employee is not a good business model. That person has no incentive to work hard for you and will likely just cause more turmoil, one bad apple will ruin the others. Tepper should let them go, he could use every bit of positive news as an owner. Keeping these coaches against their will only feeds his dictatorship persona.
  19. If Tomlin is fired, I can see him getting the most out of this team and the right culture builder. But Tepper gonna Tepper.
  20. With how unattractive our HC job is, I can see us doing what the Texans did for a couple of years. Just hire 1 and done HCs for a couple of years until a great candidate comes along (ex. Demeco Ryans).
  21. Agreed, even a practice squad CB that played in a game contributed more than Horn. The good thing is that the new FO will have no emotional ties to him and will make the practical choice.
  22. IDK, I think it's very debatable if Horn deserves a 5th year option. He is a top 10 pick and the option would be expensive, he has never played a full season as well. I would understand if the FO declines it and just see if he can stay healthy his 4th year. That's a lot of money sitting on IR for the year!
  23. Europeans will watch this game and say that there was more scoring in a soccer game than what the Panthers can score on offense. Yikes! Panthers haven't even scored in like the last 7 quarters of football.
  24. Is this a home game for the Panthers? Probably save the Panthers from disgrace with no seats filled at BOA on national television.
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