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  1. Another prospect to keep an eye on is Michael Mayer with the Raiders. Rumor is that they are looking to trade him given Brock Bowers already being a super star. I wouldn't be mad if we traded a 4th or 5th rounder for him, dude had talent coming out. If we do go with Warren, I'm can imagine him taking the snap and us emulating our own version of "the tush push."
  2. Dave Gentlemen took the Hog Mollies a little too serious, he draft one at the WR position, Kelvin Benjamin. Look how that turned out. Also, one of the biggest bust of all time is Vernon Butler, my god what was he thinking?
  3. I've argued that 8 TDs are more important than 8 sacks. We absolutely need pass rush help but if there is a chance to pair Bryce with his go-to receiver for years, you have to continue to build around him. Our defense gave up the most points in NFL history and we were still able to win 5 games because our offense scored points. Our defense played better during Bryce's rookie season and we barely won 2 games. Sometimes a good defense is a good offense.
  4. Notre Dame's safety Watts is all over the place. We underestimate what good safety play can do for a team because we've been lacking player makers.
  5. wow, Notre Dame's oline are all 6'5" and maulers. Ohio is going to be in for a long night!
  6. Lots of prospects that could be future panthers. Safety Watts, Ransom. Ohios D-line are all possible 2nd round picks.
  7. Campbells a good coach. But Goff has always been as advertised, he will play well and put up stats but he shrinks in the clutch moments and when it matters most. Rams 100% won that trade. Same with Darnold and Baker, I'm not upset that we moved on from them. They play well to get to the playoffs but collapse when it matters.
  8. Why did we lose them? Because it's the Panther way to depart with talented players.
  9. I agree that sitting him and having him see how Dalton operated was an eye opener for him. No matter how pro-ready or generational of a talent a rookie is, they still need to sit and watch how it's done. I watched the Raiders game and Dalton was definitely throwing in tight unopen windows and giving the receivers a chance to make a play. I think Young's apprehension to throw downfield is because he was waiting for them to get "college open," when he returned to the line up he definitely threw downfield a ton more and into tight windows too. It's crazy what confidence can do for someone. I've seen ugly guys get the pretty girls simply because he was more confident! lol
  10. This very topic was debated in another thread about going to a 4-3 vs a 3-4 alignment. These athletes in college are all much lighter and faster to rush the QB but they don't have the weight to defend the run. 4-3 DE are supposed to be in the mold of Julius Peppers, athletic but in the 270-280 pounds to defend the run and rush the passer. Avg O-linemen is 300+ lbs. It's harder to find 4-3 DE now in college.
  11. Panthers scouting department better be stalking his place and getting deep intel on him! Overall, reports are that he is a good kid with good football character, one of Dan's DAWGS that he's looking for.
  12. Also of note, James Pearce Jr was born in CLT, not as high on him though.
  13. Jalon Walker is from Salisbury, I'm sure that'll have a big impact.
  14. I'm actually more surprised of how he lasted so long with the Panthers to get through training camp, preseason, and a couple of games. These winning teams couldn't even tolerate him more than 4 games! Crazy thing is that the teams are winning and he is still upset!
  15. Wasn't one of Rhule's big selling points was that they were going to have the best facilities, nutrition, and trainers to create physical freaks? Everything Rhule touches has turned to crap. Rhule was in over his head.
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