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  1. 1 week ago with an 0-2 record, everyone was saying Dan is responsible for this mess. We win one game and all of a sudden Dan is the real deal. I appreciate the optimism, but we still don't have our franchise QB on the roster and that is the biggest question that Dan still has to answer. Overall, I think we have improved our talent. But I guess winning really does cure everything.
  2. Some of these former QBs turned analysts are all talk and no game. It's so easy to play monday morning QB. It's easy to comment if it was a "good read, bad read, good throw, bad throw," but actually performing in real life is what matters. I can see Bryce being a future youtube QB analyst, he is a great processor, but he just couldn't deliver on the field.
  3. It starts with ownership. Is it a coincidence that Dan Snyder is out, new ownership is in and hired the right GM and HC and stayed out of their way to make football decisions? We'll never know because we have David Tepper running into restaurants and telling their owners what they can and can't post on their signs.
  4. Washington is doing it right with a rookie QB. New ownership who hires the right GM and HC and supporting staff. Draft a young QB with potential and surround him with talent. A team can really turn it around in 1 offseason, but a lot has to go right. Tepper needs to let football people work and get out of the way.
  5. Cincy D is suspect. If Canales can continue being a great play caller, we'll have a chance to win next week.
  6. I'm sure he'll go on IR and miss at least 4 games, hamstring injuries can take a while to heal from. Next man up!
  7. If Darnold takes the Vikings to the playoffs, MN will do all that they can to resign him regardless of having JJ McCarthy waiting in the wings. If I was Darnold and had success with MN I would resign with them too. Who wouldn't want to throw to the best WR in the game and make their life easier?
  8. If we are going to resign Dalton, it'll be 1-2 years at most. He is turning 37 next month, I don't know any QB that played well into their late 30's outside of Rodgers and Brady. I think we need to find our developmental QB this upcoming off season, waiting for the 2026 QB class and have him sit one year is asking Dalton to play 2-3 more years. Another interesting option is Fields or Wilson as bridge QBs for next year. Sign one of them to a 2-3 yr contract, build the team up, develop a QB. I think we need to follow Packer's QB plan. Jordan Love was super raw and he sat for a while and he looks to be their QB long term.
  9. It must be so awkward for Bryce to be in that room and hear all that. When the only change was you and the team won without you.
  10. So now that we know Bryce isn't the answer and was actually the problem, what do we do about the Qb position next year? Andy Dalton is not going to play for another 10 years and his contract actually expires after this year. What if Dalton plays well enough that we miss out on a top 10 draft selection for a QB this year? Despite today's feel good victory, we still have legitimate questions at the QB position.
  11. Sounds like Cam was also holding on to some bitter feelings towards the current Panther regime. Overall he does make some valid points. Agree that this administration has failed miserably and I blame that on Fitt and the gutting of this team's talent over the years. Then drafting an outlier at QB and putting 110% on him to carry the team. For all the talk of Bryce's physical limitations, I think his regression has more to do with his lack of confidence and trust. All the Qb talk and analysis all agree that he doesn't trust the line to protect, he doesn't trust his receivers, etc. We can nitpick all we want, overall theme is that this team is a a Sh*tshow like Cam said.
  12. I just listened to this take and I've listened to a lot of other sports analysts talk about the Bryce situation. I think Breer had the most honest assessment of what was really going on behind the scenes. I think the biggest voice to bench Bryce is Canales, for sure he had to run it by Tepper. Agree that Canales has to worry about the whole team and not just Bryce when other veterans are getting frustrated, everyone is playing for their next meal, can't be held back by one guy. Also a legit question if Bryce will start again outside of an injury to Dalton.
  13. These WR have been running wind sprints the entire game. At least they got good cardio in? lol
  14. If one of you guys were a QB in next years draft, would you guys want to come here with the lack of organization and plan? It's your NFL career, they may pay you a lot of money to be #1 pick, but you also don't want to flame out in 1.5 years and not get a chance to prove yourself anymore. What kind of questions would you ask Dan and Dave when you sit for 1 on 1 interviews at the combine? If I was a top QB, I wouldn't come here.
  15. After hearing of Bryce's benching I've watched a lot of NFL pundits, analysts, sports personalities comment on this. All of them agree that the Panthers take the biggest blame and is most at fault for Bryce's failures. No support, no consistency, no plan. Not trying to defend Bryce's play but there is evidence that other QB's have gone on to be better. Ex Baker and Darnold have played better after they left Carolina. Maybe you have lazy workers, but when a company stinks, it starts at the top too.
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