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  1. He’ll probably be very good but he will never be fun to root for. I just don’t want to deal with it. Hope they pick someone else.
  2. Picking a first round talent at a premier position? This isn’t crazy or new.
  3. That’s fine. Defensive line is deep this year, and you take advantage of that by taking late-round guys. That’s smart and he’s a good prospect.
  4. Regardless of whether they take Graham, I’m amped at how much they apparently like Cam Jackson. This draft’s got a weird number of huge guys and I hope we end up with one of them.
  5. Walker freaks me out. I’ve seen too many people who don’t love his play at linebacker, and that’s where he’s going to play most of his snaps. If we’re picking a linebacker higher than we picked Luke, I’d like his linebacker instincts to be flawless. Why not just pick Barron? Even if he’s overmatched at outside corner, he’s a perfect nickel prospect. Perfect. Ditto at safety. Why are we trying to do this linebacker/edge half-measure when we can get a great prospect at another position of need?
  6. Nice post! Crumedy's more of a backup end than a nose at only 305, right?
  7. Sure. I still hope we grab one a developmental nose in this draft. There are a bunch late who will get pushed down by the strength of this d-line class.
  8. That's fine, but you also can't just go out and make a good rotational player the third-highest-paid player at his position group, either.
  9. I'm happy to see him here. Both safeties are in the fit all the time in 2-high shells. Good player, helps us where we need it, shaves off a position of need for the draft, where we're now pretty much locked into overhauling the line.
  10. Feels like we dodged a bullet at that number. Deepest DL draft in ages right around the corner, it's not the end of the world.
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