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Everything posted by GOAT

  1. this made me lol, if only you knew.
  2. yikes, can't play devils advocate with libs. I never learn. enjoy your 1200
  3. just like HIV doesn't spread easily in most cases....doesn't mean it CAN'T. it's almost like...this isn't positive news for you? Weird I'd love to see this article and learn how a Dr. was able to trace a persons step to determine where she became infected, and how they were able to go about testing that surface days / weeks later. Sounds like a load of poo. Hit me again with the reading comprehension jab though.
  4. can't believe everything you read. the media has gone mad with stories on this whole thing. also, it's a positive development from the CDC.
  5. https://www.livescience.com/cdc-coronavirus-surfaces-update.html The coronavirus 'does not spread easily' from touching surfaces or objects, CDC says
  6. my new favorite thing is going to be seeing all of these reports of large gatherings / people going back to normal / having fun - only to never hear of any sort of mass outbreak or spike in numbers. report after report, video after video, then silence. no mass outbreak or spike to follow. but before anyone can be called out, a new video will surface. rinse, repeat. this thing is heading in a positive direction for the time and people are still trying to stir poo up and keep the misery going lmao.
  7. well, psychology would say that he isn't comfortable with his masculinity to say something like that. also sounds like a person who thinks they're never wrong, and will believe whatever the right's competition says.
  8. who isn't to say this isn't the second wave? the situation is coming to an end, slowly but surely. swine flu had cases trickling throughout the world years after its peak. the panicking, social distancing, shut down, etc is slowing up. we're getting a better understanding of how the disease works, and as the wheels on this hype train begin slowing down - a vaccine will emerge and this will all just be remembered as a blip in history. hopefully we can prepare better for next time and learn from this experience. welp, im off to the beach. my only worry today is an open container fine.
  9. a lot of people really hating to see this thing come to an end. the government funding, the finger pointing, the drama. ya'll sound like a bunch of villains with your "it'll be back! you'll all see! you'll all be sorry!" comments haha.
  10. Well yeah, but I still get my poo done. 1 year old and 6 year old. Idk, different strokes for different folks I guess. This whole thing may have turned me into a remote worker for good.
  11. where the fug is the mrs at? my kids are all hers during work hours, F that.
  12. I've been killing it working from home, getting so much more done - watching my kids grow and getting poo done around the house. I have several guys that work for me that aren't doing anything and treating this as a vacation, so now I have to lead by example and get them back in the office. some people just can't do the work from home life.
  13. I have a few theaters by me that do dinner and drinks and I pray to god they don't go away.
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