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Everything posted by NanuqoftheNorth

  1. More COVID 19 vaccine updates here: https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-vaccine-adenovirus-china.html?
  2. Bit by bit, day by day the economic pressure is building on individuals and businesses to revert to old habits. Not saying things will be 100 percent back to normal anytime soon, but humans are social creatures and the need to make a buck is ever present and growing. Wide spread restrictions remaining in place more than another month or two without a huge uptick in the rate of virus deaths is going to be difficult for the government to enforce.
  3. An Oldie, but a Goodie, Baddie and an Ugly...
  4. If the states rights people want expose themselves to COVID-19 and take one for team USA, I say go for it! -- Someone sheltering in place
  5. Hospitals have improved their procedures for dealing with the virus over the last few months. Meanwhile production of essential medical supplies has been ginned up. Presumably our political leaders have learned something over the last several months and are now better prepared to deal with the corona virus going forward. Having said that: A return to business as usual in the next few months would be a mistake. It would result in what we've already seen in areas like NYC and Italy where a lack of social distancing resulted in massive outbreaks that overwhelmed the healthcare system.
  6. People are going to do whatever it takes to survive and I'm sure "scientists" recognize that as well as any of us. That doesn't change the reality that until an effective vaccine is available social distancing is a good strategy whenever possible.
  7. This caught my eye in your posted article:
  8. You said: "NO ONE WAS READY". I proved your contention was false.
  9. False South Korea was way more prepared to deal with the virus than the USA. This is not even debatable.
  10. Geographically yes, it is much easier for South Korea to isolate itself. Based on the extreme density of South Korea's population, no. South Carolina has one tenth South Korea's population. South Korea's population density is much greater than what we have outside of our top two or three cities. 50 million people on a relatively small peninsula means that if the Koreans hadn't reacted quickly to the virus it would have been uncontrollable within a matter of days. If New York City had been as decisive and well prepared as South Korea there is every reason to believe they'd have fared much better.
  11. Cities and states are dealing with the virus on different timelines. Add to that, government responses have run the gamut from passive to proactive. We also have infected people migrating from hot spots to other areas of the country. It's like herding cats.
  12. Thanks for your efforts to clean up the TB.

    The behavior of several posters has become downright unbearable/shameful during the last few years.

    It is sad to witness what was once an entertaining and at times, educational forum, morph into something akin to recess for maladjusted preteens. 

    If the maturity level doesn't markedly improve, I wouldn't hesitate to do away with it.

  13. First off, never put anything in writing you wouldn't want your worst enemy to read.

    Sounds like your wife may be guilt ridden at the moment since she is willing to walk away without any financial compensation.  You may want to move quickly to make that legally binding (if possible) before she changes her mind.  Financial holdings may not seem so important at the moment, but they may provide options in the future that otherwise wouldn't be available to you.  

    Ultimately, you can only control what you do.  Your wife has decided to move on with her life, you should do the same.  Try to focus on tying up any remaining loose ends between the two of you with as little drama as possible.  Emotionally that is a lot to ask, but the last thing you need right now is for your wife to get it in her head that she is the injured party in the relationship.  That will only make it harder to come to a mutually agreeable resolution.  

    Also, please keep in mind that your wife will always be the mother of your child.   So, for your child's well being it is much better if you two part ways with minimal drama and hate.

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