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Everything posted by NanuqoftheNorth

  1. The collusion is real! The NFL only permits one badly managed Cleveland Browns franchise to exist at any given point in time.
  2. The cost of doing business just went up for teams with average to above average QBs thanks to the Giants.
  3. Panthers are one of the worst teams in the league and also one of the youngest. It is simply mind blowing that they don't have gobs of cap space att.
  4. I'm guessing Tepper didn't just blow a wad of money on coaches for the Panthers to have the 3rd or 4th best QB in the division this season.
  5. Tying up significant team resources for running back, one of the easiest positions to fill in the draft and free agency isn't prudent. WWARD (What Would Andy Reid Do?)
  6. To me this contradicts the narrative coming from Carr's camp of a guy with a chip on his shoulder looking to prove something to the Raiders. What it says to me is that Carr's priority was getting paid. Saints simply have too many glaring issues when it comes to salary cap and coaching not to notice.
  7. From the outside looking in, Carr has put himself into a situation with the Saints that promises to be as tumultuous as the one he was in with the Raiders. But he got paid.
  8. Yeah it does. 1. Guessing the third year is essentially the big payoff and the 4th year never happens w/either a restructure or cut. Still need more details on this contract. 2. Carr must not have been getting positive vibes from the Panthers. Otherwise, why settle for 15 mil in years one and two from the Saints before hearing the Panthers out?
  9. It is possible that the Panthers don't have clearcut favorite at QB. Yeah, they'll rank them, but the perceived difference from one to two or two to three may be so slight that the cost of securing the #1 pick simply isn't justifiable.
  10. Simply listening to Reich and Fitterer at the combine should have been enough for anyone to realize the team was fully exploring their options at QB. No insider info required.
  11. Saints have been in a hole for these last few years, yet they continue to dig themselves deeper. As a Panthers fan all I can say is...
  12. One less variable for Panthers fans to take into consideration.
  13. Or, Chicago trades Fields to a team in desperate need for a QB and utilizes this year's #1 to upgrade the position. Ultimately, both teams involved (even Fields) could be better off for the trade. Of course, most of these draft scenarios will never take place, much less, be sure bets. If they were, we'd have little to converse about.
  14. I believe an argument could be made, that if the Bears were smart, they'd draft a QB with this year's #1 pick.
  15. Weird, I don't recall seeing either Dom Capers or George Seifert at the 2003 Super Bowl.
  16. Yeah, most of the tweets are little more than click-bait. However, an important variable will likely be resolved within the next week or so. If Carr isn't signed soon, Panthers will have likely identified at least one or more QBs in the draft to target.
  17. Meh, To me, Panthers giving up their 32nd pick in the draft for 2024 and 2025 doesn't seem like too high of a price to pay for a franchise QB.
  18. Some may recall that Charlotte was considered a dark horse in the race between 4 cities for two NFL franchises. JR's highly professional presentation to the NFL Expansion Committee blew away the competition. Also, JR assembled some of the most highly respected NFL executives/coaches to ready the Panthers for their inaugural season. The Panthers were playing for the NFC Championship in year two of their existence. Total class act. The rest is history. RIP JR
  19. Physically Sam appears to be everything a team could want in a starting QB. Mentally he seems a tick too slow and easy to rattle. I'm not sure Sam's issues can be overcome with better coaching, but if they can, this staff probably has as good a chance as any.
  20. Would have liked to have seen JR live long enough to witness the Carolina Panthers win a Super Bowl. RIP JR
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